Changed around line 1
+ class TreeUtils {
+ static getFileExtension(filepath = "") {
+ const match = filepath.match(/\.([^\.]+)$/)
+ return (match && match[1]) || ""
+ }
+ static async runTestTree(testTree) {
+ // todo: browser version
+ const tap = require("tap")
+ const runOnlyTheseTest = Object.keys(testTree).filter(key => key.startsWith("_"))
+ const testsToRun = runOnlyTheseTest.length ? runOnlyTheseTest : Object.keys(testTree)
+ for (let testName of testsToRun) {
+ await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ tap.test(testName, async childTest => {
+ await testTree[testName](childTest.equal)
+ childTest.end()
+ resolve()
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ static getMethodFromDotPath(context, str) {
+ const methodParts = str.split(".")
+ while (methodParts.length > 1) {
+ context = contextethodParts.shift()]()
+ }
+ const final = methodParts.shift()
+ return [context, final]
+ }
+ static requireAbsOrRelative(filePath, contextFilePath) {
+ if (!filePath.startsWith(".")) return require(filePath)
+ const path = require("path")
+ const folder = this.getPathWithoutFileName(contextFilePath)
+ const file = path.resolve(folder + "/" + filePath)
+ return require(file)
+ }
+ // Removes last ".*" from this string
+ static removeFileExtension(filename) {
+ return filename ? filename.replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, "") : ""
+ }
+ static getFileName(path) {
+ const parts = path.split("/") // todo: change for windows?
+ return parts.pop()
+ }
+ static getPathWithoutFileName(path) {
+ const parts = path.split("/") // todo: change for windows?
+ parts.pop()
+ return parts.join("/")
+ }
+ static shuffleInPlace(arr) {
+ //
+ for (let index = arr.length - 1; index > 0; index--) {
+ const tempIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (index + 1))
+ ;[arr[index], arr[tempIndex]] = [arr[tempIndex], arr[index]]
+ }
+ return arr
+ }
+ // Only allows a-zA-Z0-9-_ (And optionally .)
+ static _permalink(str, reg) {
+ return str.length
+ ? str
+ .toLowerCase()
+ .replace(reg, "")
+ .replace(/ /g, "-")
+ : ""
+ }
+ static stringToPermalink(str) {
+ return this._permalink(str, /[^a-z0-9- _\.]/gi)
+ }
+ static getAvailablePermalink(permalink, doesFileExistSyncFn) {
+ const extension = this.getFileExtension(permalink)
+ permalink = this.removeFileExtension(permalink)
+ const originalPermalink = permalink
+ let num = 2
+ let suffix = ""
+ let filename = `${originalPermalink}${suffix}.${extension}`
+ while (doesFileExistSyncFn(filename)) {
+ filename = `${originalPermalink}${suffix}.${extension}`
+ suffix = "-" + num
+ num++
+ }
+ return filename
+ }
+ static toggle(currentValue, values) {
+ const index = values.indexOf(currentValue)
+ return index === -1 || index + 1 === values.length ? values[0] : values[index + 1]
+ }
+ static getClassNameFromFilePath(filepath) {
+ return this.removeFileExtension(this.getFileName(filepath))
+ }
+ static joinArraysOn(joinOn, arrays, columns) {
+ const rows = {}
+ let index = 0
+ if (!columns) columns = => Object.keys(arr[0]))
+ arrays.forEach((arr, index) => {
+ const cols = columns[index]
+ arr.forEach(row => {
+ const key = joinOn ? row[joinOn] : index++
+ if (!rows[key]) rows[key] = {}
+ const obj = rows[key]
+ cols.forEach(col => (obj[col] = row[col]))
+ })
+ })
+ return Object.values(rows)
+ }
+ static _getParentFolder(path) {
+ if (path.endsWith("/")) path = this._removeLastSlash(path)
+ return path.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, "") + "/"
+ }
+ static _removeLastSlash(path) {
+ return path.replace(/\/$/, "")
+ }
+ static _listToEnglishText(list, limit = 5) {
+ const len = list.length
+ if (!len) return ""
+ if (len === 1) return `'${list[0]}'`
+ const clone = list.slice(0, limit).map(item => `'${item}'`)
+ const last = clone.pop()
+ if (len <= limit) return clone.join(", ") + ` and ${last}`
+ return clone.join(", ") + ` and ${len - limit} more`
+ }
+ // todo: refactor so instead of str input takes an array of cells(strings) and scans each indepndently.
+ static _chooseDelimiter(str) {
+ const del = " ,|\t;^%$!#@~*&+-=_:?.{}[]()<>/".split("").find(idea => !str.includes(idea))
+ if (!del) throw new Error("Could not find a delimiter")
+ return del
+ }
+ static flatten(arr) {
+ if (arr.flat) return arr.flat()
+ return arr.reduce((acc, val) => acc.concat(val), [])
+ }
+ static escapeBackTicks(str) {
+ return str.replace(/\`/g, "\\`").replace(/\$\{/g, "\\${")
+ }
+ static ucfirst(str) {
+ return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)
+ }
+ // Adapted from:
+ static didYouMean(str = "", options = [], caseSensitive = false, threshold = 0.4, thresholdAbsolute = 20) {
+ if (!caseSensitive) str = str.toLowerCase()
+ // Calculate the initial value (the threshold) if present.
+ const thresholdRelative = threshold * str.length
+ let maximumEditDistanceToBeBestMatch
+ if (thresholdRelative !== null && thresholdAbsolute !== null) maximumEditDistanceToBeBestMatch = Math.min(thresholdRelative, thresholdAbsolute)
+ else if (thresholdRelative !== null) maximumEditDistanceToBeBestMatch = thresholdRelative
+ else if (thresholdAbsolute !== null) maximumEditDistanceToBeBestMatch = thresholdAbsolute
+ // Get the edit distance to each option. If the closest one is less than 40% (by default) of str's length, then return it.
+ let closestMatch
+ const len = options.length
+ for (let optionIndex = 0; optionIndex < len; optionIndex++) {
+ const candidate = options[optionIndex]
+ if (!candidate) continue
+ const editDistance = TreeUtils._getEditDistance(str, caseSensitive ? candidate : candidate.toLowerCase(), maximumEditDistanceToBeBestMatch)
+ if (editDistance < maximumEditDistanceToBeBestMatch) {
+ maximumEditDistanceToBeBestMatch = editDistance
+ closestMatch = candidate
+ }
+ }
+ return closestMatch
+ }
+ // Adapted from:
+ static _getEditDistance(stringA, stringB, maxInt) {
+ // Handle null or undefined max.
+ maxInt = maxInt || maxInt === 0 ? maxInt : TreeUtils.MAX_INT
+ const aLength = stringA.length
+ const bLength = stringB.length
+ // Fast path - no A or B.
+ if (aLength === 0) return Math.min(maxInt + 1, bLength)
+ if (bLength === 0) return Math.min(maxInt + 1, aLength)
+ // Fast path - length diff larger than max.
+ if (Math.abs(aLength - bLength) > maxInt) return maxInt + 1
+ // Slow path.
+ const matrix = []
+ // Set up the first row ([0, 1, 2, 3, etc]).
+ for (let bIndex = 0; bIndex <= bLength; bIndex++) {
+ matrix[bIndex] = [bIndex]
+ }
+ // Set up the first column (same).
+ for (let aIndex = 0; aIndex <= aLength; aIndex++) {
+ matrix[0][aIndex] = aIndex
+ }
+ let colMin
+ let minJ
+ let maxJ
+ // Loop over the rest of the columns.
+ for (let bIndex = 1; bIndex <= bLength; bIndex++) {
+ colMin = TreeUtils.MAX_INT
+ minJ = 1
+ if (bIndex > maxInt) minJ = bIndex - maxInt
+ maxJ = bLength + 1
+ if (maxJ > maxInt + bIndex) maxJ = maxInt + bIndex
+ // Loop over the rest of the rows.
+ for (let aIndex = 1; aIndex <= aLength; aIndex++) {
+ // If j is out of bounds, just put a large value in the slot.
+ if (aIndex < minJ || aIndex > maxJ) matrix[bIndex][aIndex] = maxInt + 1
+ // Otherwise do the normal Levenshtein thing.
+ else {
+ // If the characters are the same, there's no change in edit distance.
+ if (stringB.charAt(bIndex - 1) === stringA.charAt(aIndex - 1)) matrix[bIndex][aIndex] = matrix[bIndex - 1][aIndex - 1]
+ // Otherwise, see if we're substituting, inserting or deleting.
+ else
+ matrix[bIndex][aIndex] = Math.min(
+ matrix[bIndex - 1][aIndex - 1] + 1, // Substitute
+ Math.min(
+ matrix[bIndex][aIndex - 1] + 1, // Insert
+ matrix[bIndex - 1][aIndex] + 1
+ )
+ ) // Delete
+ }
+ // Either way, update colMin.
+ if (matrix[bIndex][aIndex] < colMin) colMin = matrix[bIndex][aIndex]
+ }
+ // If this column's minimum is greater than the allowed maximum, there's no point
+ // in going on with life.
+ if (colMin > maxInt) return maxInt + 1
+ }
+ // If we made it this far without running into the max, then return the final matrix value.
+ return matrix[bLength][aLength]
+ }
+ static getLineIndexAtCharacterPosition(str, index) {
+ const lines = str.split("\n")
+ const len = lines.length
+ let position = 0
+ for (let lineNumber = 0; lineNumber < len; lineNumber++) {
+ position += lines[lineNumber].length
+ if (position >= index) return lineNumber
+ }
+ }
+ static resolvePath(filePath, programFilepath) {
+ // For use in Node.js only
+ if (!filePath.startsWith(".")) return filePath
+ const path = require("path")
+ const folder = this.getPathWithoutFileName(programFilepath)
+ return path.resolve(folder + "/" + filePath)
+ }
+ static resolveProperty(obj, path, separator = ".") {
+ const properties = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split(separator)
+ return properties.reduce((prev, curr) => prev && prev[curr], obj)
+ }
+ static formatStr(str, catchAllCellDelimiter = " ", parameterMap) {
+ return str.replace(/{([^\}]+)}/g, (match, path) => {
+ const val = parameterMap[path]
+ if (!val) return ""
+ return Array.isArray(val) ? val.join(catchAllCellDelimiter) : val
+ })
+ }
+ static stripHtml(text) {
+ return text && text.replace ? text.replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, "") : text
+ }
+ static getUniqueWordsArray(allWords) {
+ const words = allWords.replace(/\n/g, " ").split(" ")
+ const index = {}
+ words.forEach(word => {
+ if (!index[word]) index[word] = 0
+ index[word]++
+ })
+ return Object.keys(index).map(key => {
+ return {
+ word: key,
+ count: index[key]
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ // todo: add seed!
+ static getRandomString(length = 30, letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".split("")) {
+ let str = ""
+ while (length) {
+ str += letters[Math.round(Math.min(Math.random() * letters.length, letters.length - 1))]
+ length--
+ }
+ return str
+ }
+ // todo: add seed!
+ static makeRandomTree(lines = 1000) {
+ let str = ""
+ let letters = " 123abc".split("")
+ while (lines) {
+ let indent = " ".repeat(Math.round(Math.random() * 6))
+ let bit = indent
+ let rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 30)
+ while (rand) {
+ bit += letters[Math.round(Math.min(Math.random() * letters.length, letters.length - 1))]
+ rand--
+ }
+ bit += "\n"
+ str += bit
+ lines--
+ }
+ return str
+ }
+ // adapted from
+ // 1993 Park-Miller LCG
+ static _getPRNG(seed) {
+ return function() {
+ seed = Math.imul(48271, seed) | 0 % 2147483647
+ return (seed & 2147483647) / 2147483648
+ }
+ }
+ // todo: clean up verbose/console log
+ static _tick(msg, verbose = true) {
+ if (this._tickTime === undefined) this._tickTime = - 1000 * process.uptime()
+ const elapsed = - this._tickTime
+ if (verbose) console.log(`${elapsed}ms ${msg}`)
+ this._tickTime =
+ return elapsed
+ }
+ static sampleWithoutReplacement(population = [], quantity, seed) {
+ const prng = this._getPRNG(seed)
+ const sampled = {}
+ const populationSize = population.length
+ const picked = []
+ if (quantity >= populationSize) quantity = populationSize
+ while (picked.length < quantity) {
+ const index = Math.floor(prng() * populationSize)
+ if (sampled[index]) continue
+ sampled[index] = true
+ picked.push(population[index])
+ }
+ return picked
+ }
+ static arrayToMap(arr) {
+ const map = {}
+ arr.forEach(val => (map[val] = true))
+ return map
+ }
+ static _replaceNonAlphaNumericCharactersWithCharCodes(str) {
+ return str
+ .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, sub => {
+ return "_" + sub.charCodeAt(0).toString()
+ })
+ .replace(/^([0-9])/, "number$1")
+ }
+ static mapValues(object, fn) {
+ const result = {}
+ Object.keys(object).forEach(key => {
+ result[key] = fn(key)
+ })
+ return result
+ }
+ static javascriptTableWithHeaderRowToObjects(dataTable) {
+ dataTable = dataTable.slice()
+ const header = dataTable.shift()
+ return => {
+ const obj = {}
+ header.forEach((colName, index) => (obj[colName] = row[index]))
+ return obj
+ })
+ }
+ static makeSortByFn(accessorOrAccessors) {
+ const arrayOfFns = Array.isArray(accessorOrAccessors) ? accessorOrAccessors : [accessorOrAccessors]
+ return (objectA, objectB) => {
+ const nodeAFirst = -1
+ const nodeBFirst = 1
+ const accessor = arrayOfFns[0] // todo: handle accessors
+ const av = accessor(objectA)
+ const bv = accessor(objectB)
+ let result = av < bv ? nodeAFirst : av > bv ? nodeBFirst : 0
+ if (av === undefined && bv !== undefined) result = nodeAFirst
+ else if (bv === undefined && av !== undefined) result = nodeBFirst
+ return result
+ }
+ }
+ static _makeGraphSortFunctionFromGraph(idAccessor, graph) {
+ return (nodeA, nodeB) => {
+ const nodeAFirst = -1
+ const nodeBFirst = 1
+ const nodeAUniqueId = idAccessor(nodeA)
+ const nodeBUniqueId = idAccessor(nodeB)
+ const nodeAExtendsNodeB = graph[nodeAUniqueId].has(nodeBUniqueId)
+ const nodeBExtendsNodeA = graph[nodeBUniqueId].has(nodeAUniqueId)
+ if (nodeAExtendsNodeB) return nodeBFirst
+ else if (nodeBExtendsNodeA) return nodeAFirst
+ const nodeAExtendsSomething = graph[nodeAUniqueId].size > 1
+ const nodeBExtendsSomething = graph[nodeBUniqueId].size > 1
+ if (!nodeAExtendsSomething && nodeBExtendsSomething) return nodeAFirst
+ else if (!nodeBExtendsSomething && nodeAExtendsSomething) return nodeBFirst
+ if (nodeAUniqueId > nodeBUniqueId) return nodeBFirst
+ else if (nodeAUniqueId < nodeBUniqueId) return nodeAFirst
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ static _makeGraphSortFunction(idAccessor, extendsIdAccessor) {
+ return (nodeA, nodeB) => {
+ // -1 === a before b
+ const nodeAUniqueId = idAccessor(nodeA)
+ const nodeAExtends = extendsIdAccessor(nodeA)
+ const nodeBUniqueId = idAccessor(nodeB)
+ const nodeBExtends = extendsIdAccessor(nodeB)
+ const nodeAExtendsNodeB = nodeAExtends === nodeBUniqueId
+ const nodeBExtendsNodeA = nodeBExtends === nodeAUniqueId
+ const nodeAFirst = -1
+ const nodeBFirst = 1
+ if (!nodeAExtends && !nodeBExtends) {
+ // If neither extends, sort by firstWord
+ if (nodeAUniqueId > nodeBUniqueId) return nodeBFirst
+ else if (nodeAUniqueId < nodeBUniqueId) return nodeAFirst
+ return 0
+ }
+ // If only one extends, the other comes first
+ else if (!nodeAExtends) return nodeAFirst
+ else if (!nodeBExtends) return nodeBFirst
+ // If A extends B, B should come first
+ if (nodeAExtendsNodeB) return nodeBFirst
+ else if (nodeBExtendsNodeA) return nodeAFirst
+ // Sort by what they extend
+ if (nodeAExtends > nodeBExtends) return nodeBFirst
+ else if (nodeAExtends < nodeBExtends) return nodeAFirst
+ // Finally sort by firstWord
+ if (nodeAUniqueId > nodeBUniqueId) return nodeBFirst
+ else if (nodeAUniqueId < nodeBUniqueId) return nodeAFirst
+ // Should never hit this, unless we have a duplicate line.
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ TreeUtils.linkify = text => {
+ let replacedText
+ let replacePattern1
+ let replacePattern2
+ let replacePattern3
+ //URLs starting with http://, https://, or ftp://
+ replacePattern1 = /(\b(https?|ftp):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/gim
+ replacedText = text.replace(replacePattern1, '
+ //URLs starting with "www." (without // before it, or it'd re-link the ones done above).
+ replacePattern2 = /(^|[^\/])(www\.[\S]+(\b|$))/gim
+ replacedText = replacedText.replace(replacePattern2, '$1
+ //Change email addresses to mailto:: links.
+ replacePattern3 = /(([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.])+@[a-zA-Z\_]+?(\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6})+)/gim
+ replacedText = replacedText.replace(replacePattern3, '
+ return replacedText
+ }
+ // todo: switch algo to:
+ TreeUtils.makeSemiRandomFn = (seed = 1) => {
+ return () => {
+ const semiRand = Math.sin(seed++) * 10000
+ return semiRand - Math.floor(semiRand)
+ }
+ }
+ TreeUtils.MAX_INT = Math.pow(2, 32) - 1
+ window.TreeUtils = TreeUtils
+ let _jtreeLatestTime = 0
+ let _jtreeMinTimeIncrement = 0.000000000001
+ class AbstractNode {
+ _getProcessTimeInMilliseconds() {
+ // We add this loop to restore monotonically increasing .now():
+ //
+ let time =
+ while (time <= _jtreeLatestTime) {
+ if (time === time + _jtreeMinTimeIncrement)
+ // Some browsers have different return values for
+ _jtreeMinTimeIncrement = 10 * _jtreeMinTimeIncrement
+ time += _jtreeMinTimeIncrement
+ }
+ _jtreeLatestTime = time
+ return time
+ }
+ }
+ var FileFormat
+ ;(function(FileFormat) {
+ FileFormat["csv"] = "csv"
+ FileFormat["tsv"] = "tsv"
+ FileFormat["tree"] = "tree"
+ })(FileFormat || (FileFormat = {}))
+ var WhereOperators
+ ;(function(WhereOperators) {
+ WhereOperators["equal"] = "="
+ WhereOperators["notEqual"] = "!="
+ WhereOperators["lessThan"] = "<"
+ WhereOperators["lessThanOrEqual"] = "<="
+ WhereOperators["greaterThan"] = ">"
+ WhereOperators["greaterThanOrEqual"] = ">="
+ WhereOperators["includes"] = "includes"
+ WhereOperators["doesNotInclude"] = "doesNotInclude"
+ WhereOperators["in"] = "in"
+ WhereOperators["notIn"] = "notIn"
+ WhereOperators["empty"] = "empty"
+ WhereOperators["notEmpty"] = "notEmpty"
+ })(WhereOperators || (WhereOperators = {}))
+ var TreeNotationConstants
+ ;(function(TreeNotationConstants) {
+ TreeNotationConstants["extends"] = "extends"
+ })(TreeNotationConstants || (TreeNotationConstants = {}))
+ class Parser {
+ constructor(catchAllNodeConstructor, firstWordMap = {}, regexTests = undefined) {
+ this._catchAllNodeConstructor = catchAllNodeConstructor
+ this._firstWordMap = firstWordMap
+ this._regexTests = regexTests
+ }
+ getFirstWordOptions() {
+ return Object.keys(this._firstWordMap)
+ }
+ // todo: remove
+ _getFirstWordMap() {
+ return this._firstWordMap
+ }
+ _getNodeConstructor(line, contextNode, zi = " ") {
+ return this._firstWordMap[this._getFirstWord(line, zi)] || this._getConstructorFromRegexTests(line) || this._getCatchAllNodeConstructor(contextNode)
+ }
+ _getCatchAllNodeConstructor(contextNode) {
+ if (this._catchAllNodeConstructor) return this._catchAllNodeConstructor
+ const parent = contextNode.getParent()
+ if (parent) return parent._getParser()._getCatchAllNodeConstructor(parent)
+ return contextNode.constructor
+ }
+ _getConstructorFromRegexTests(line) {
+ if (!this._regexTests) return undefined
+ const hit = this._regexTests.find(test => test.regex.test(line))
+ if (hit) return hit.nodeConstructor
+ return undefined
+ }
+ _getFirstWord(line, zi) {
+ const firstBreak = line.indexOf(zi)
+ return line.substr(0, firstBreak > -1 ? firstBreak : undefined)
+ }
+ }
+ class TreeNode extends AbstractNode {
+ constructor(children, line, parent) {
+ super()
+ this._parent = parent
+ this._setLine(line)
+ this._setChildren(children)
+ }
+ execute(context) {
+ return Promise.all( => child.execute(context)))
+ }
+ getErrors() {
+ return []
+ }
+ getLineCellTypes() {
+ // todo: make this any a constant
+ return "undefinedCellType ".repeat(this.getWords().length).trim()
+ }
+ executeSync(context) {
+ return => child.executeSync(context))
+ }
+ isNodeJs() {
+ return typeof exports !== "undefined"
+ }
+ isBrowser() {
+ return !this.isNodeJs()
+ }
+ getOlderSiblings() {
+ if (this.isRoot()) return []
+ return this.getParent().slice(0, this.getIndex())
+ }
+ _getClosestOlderSibling() {
+ const olderSiblings = this.getOlderSiblings()
+ return olderSiblings[olderSiblings.length - 1]
+ }
+ getYoungerSiblings() {
+ if (this.isRoot()) return []
+ return this.getParent().slice(this.getIndex() + 1)
+ }
+ getSiblings() {
+ if (this.isRoot()) return []
+ return this.getParent().filter(node => node !== this)
+ }
+ _getUid() {
+ if (!this._uid) this._uid = TreeNode._makeUniqueId()
+ return this._uid
+ }
+ // todo: rename getMother? grandMother et cetera?
+ getParent() {
+ return this._parent
+ }
+ getPoint() {
+ return this._getPoint()
+ }
+ _getPoint(relativeTo) {
+ return {
+ x: this._getXCoordinate(relativeTo),
+ y: this._getYCoordinate(relativeTo)
+ }
+ }
+ getPointRelativeTo(relativeTo) {
+ return this._getPoint(relativeTo)
+ }
+ getIndentation(relativeTo) {
+ return this.getXI().repeat(this._getXCoordinate(relativeTo) - 1)
+ }
+ _getTopDownArray(arr) {
+ this.forEach(child => {
+ arr.push(child)
+ child._getTopDownArray(arr)
+ })
+ }
+ getTopDownArray() {
+ const arr = []
+ this._getTopDownArray(arr)
+ return arr
+ }
+ *getTopDownArrayIterator() {
+ for (let child of this.getChildren()) {
+ yield child
+ yield* child.getTopDownArrayIterator()
+ }
+ }
+ nodeAtLine(lineNumber) {
+ let index = 0
+ for (let node of this.getTopDownArrayIterator()) {
+ if (lineNumber === index) return node
+ index++
+ }
+ }
+ getNumberOfLines() {
+ let lineCount = 0
+ for (let node of this.getTopDownArrayIterator()) {
+ lineCount++
+ }
+ return lineCount
+ }
+ _getLineNumber(target = this) {
+ if (this._cachedLineNumber) return this._cachedLineNumber
+ let lineNumber = 1
+ for (let node of this.getRootNode().getTopDownArrayIterator()) {
+ if (node === target) return lineNumber
+ lineNumber++
+ }
+ return lineNumber
+ }
+ isBlankLine() {
+ return !this.length && !this.getLine()
+ }
+ hasDuplicateFirstWords() {
+ return this.length ? new Set(this.getFirstWords()).size !== this.length : false
+ }
+ isEmpty() {
+ return !this.length && !this.getContent()
+ }
+ _getYCoordinate(relativeTo) {
+ if (this.isRoot(relativeTo)) return 0
+ const start = relativeTo || this.getRootNode()
+ return start._getLineNumber(this)
+ }
+ isRoot(relativeTo) {
+ return relativeTo === this || !this.getParent()
+ }
+ getRootNode() {
+ return this._getRootNode()
+ }
+ _getRootNode(relativeTo) {
+ if (this.isRoot(relativeTo)) return this
+ return this.getParent()._getRootNode(relativeTo)
+ }
+ toString(indentCount = 0, language = this) {
+ if (this.isRoot()) return this._childrenToString(indentCount, language)
+ return (
+ language.getXI().repeat(indentCount) + this.getLine(language) + (this.length ? language.getYI() + this._childrenToString(indentCount + 1, language) : "")
+ )
+ }
+ printLinesFrom(start, quantity) {
+ return this._printLinesFrom(start, quantity, false)
+ }
+ printLinesWithLineNumbersFrom(start, quantity) {
+ return this._printLinesFrom(start, quantity, true)
+ }
+ _printLinesFrom(start, quantity, printLineNumbers) {
+ // todo: use iterator for better perf?
+ const end = start + quantity
+ this.toString()
+ .split("\n")
+ .slice(start, end)
+ .forEach((line, index) => {
+ if (printLineNumbers) console.log(`${start + index} ${line}`)
+ else console.log(line)
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ getWord(index) {
+ const words = this._getLine().split(this.getZI())
+ if (index < 0) index = words.length + index
+ return words[index]
+ }
+ _toHtml(indentCount) {
+ const path = this.getPathVector().join(" ")
+ const classes = {
+ nodeLine: "nodeLine",
+ xi: "xIncrement",
+ yi: "yIncrement",
+ nodeChildren: "nodeChildren"
+ }
+ const edge = this.getXI().repeat(indentCount)
+ // Set up the firstWord part of the node
+ const edgeHtml = `${edge}`
+ const lineHtml = this._getLineHtml()
+ const childrenHtml = this.length
+ ? `${this.getYI()}` + `${this._childrenToHtml(indentCount + 1)}`
+ : ""
+ return `${edgeHtml}${lineHtml}${childrenHtml}`
+ }
+ _getWords(startFrom) {
+ if (!this._words) this._words = this._getLine().split(this.getZI())
+ return startFrom ? this._words.slice(startFrom) : this._words
+ }
+ getWords() {
+ return this._getWords(0)
+ }
+ doesExtend(nodeTypeId) {
+ return false
+ }
+ require(moduleName, filePath) {
+ if (this.isNodeJs()) return require(filePath || moduleName)
+ return windowoduleName]
+ }
+ getWordsFrom(startFrom) {
+ return this._getWords(startFrom)
+ }
+ getSparsity() {
+ const nodes = this.getChildren()
+ const fields = this._getUnionNames()
+ let count = 0
+ this.getChildren().forEach(node => {
+ fields.forEach(field => {
+ if (node.has(field)) count++
+ })
+ })
+ return 1 - count / (nodes.length * fields.length)
+ }
+ // todo: rename. what is the proper term from set/cat theory?
+ getBiDirectionalMaps(propertyNameOrFn, propertyNameOrFn2 = node => node.getWord(0)) {
+ const oneToTwo = {}
+ const twoToOne = {}
+ const is1Str = typeof propertyNameOrFn === "string"
+ const is2Str = typeof propertyNameOrFn2 === "string"
+ const children = this.getChildren()
+ this.forEach((node, index) => {
+ const value1 = is1Str ? node.get(propertyNameOrFn) : propertyNameOrFn(node, index, children)
+ const value2 = is2Str ? node.get(propertyNameOrFn2) : propertyNameOrFn2(node, index, children)
+ if (value1 !== undefined) {
+ if (!oneToTwo[value1]) oneToTwo[value1] = []
+ oneToTwo[value1].push(value2)
+ }
+ if (value2 !== undefined) {
+ if (!twoToOne[value2]) twoToOne[value2] = []
+ twoToOne[value2].push(value1)
+ }
+ })
+ return [oneToTwo, twoToOne]
+ }
+ _getWordIndexCharacterStartPosition(wordIndex) {
+ const xiLength = this.getXI().length
+ const numIndents = this._getXCoordinate(undefined) - 1
+ const indentPosition = xiLength * numIndents
+ if (wordIndex < 1) return xiLength * (numIndents + wordIndex)
+ return (
+ indentPosition +
+ this.getWords()
+ .slice(0, wordIndex)
+ .join(this.getZI()).length +
+ this.getZI().length
+ )
+ }
+ getNodeInScopeAtCharIndex(charIndex) {
+ if (this.isRoot()) return this
+ let wordIndex = this.getWordIndexAtCharacterIndex(charIndex)
+ if (wordIndex > 0) return this
+ let node = this
+ while (wordIndex < 1) {
+ node = node.getParent()
+ wordIndex++
+ }
+ return node
+ }
+ getWordProperties(wordIndex) {
+ const start = this._getWordIndexCharacterStartPosition(wordIndex)
+ const word = wordIndex < 0 ? "" : this.getWord(wordIndex)
+ return {
+ startCharIndex: start,
+ endCharIndex: start + word.length,
+ word: word
+ }
+ }
+ getAllWordBoundaryCoordinates() {
+ const coordinates = []
+ let line = 0
+ for (let node of this.getTopDownArrayIterator()) {
+ node.getWordBoundaryIndices().forEach(index => {
+ coordinates.push({
+ y: line,
+ x: index
+ })
+ })
+ line++
+ }
+ return coordinates
+ }
+ getWordBoundaryIndices() {
+ const boundaries = [0]
+ let numberOfIndents = this._getXCoordinate(undefined) - 1
+ let start = numberOfIndents
+ // Add indents
+ while (numberOfIndents) {
+ boundaries.push(boundaries.length)
+ numberOfIndents--
+ }
+ // Add columns
+ const ziIncrement = this.getZI().length
+ this.getWords().forEach(word => {
+ if (boundaries[boundaries.length - 1] !== start) boundaries.push(start)
+ start += word.length
+ if (boundaries[boundaries.length - 1] !== start) boundaries.push(start)
+ start += ziIncrement
+ })
+ return boundaries
+ }
+ getWordIndexAtCharacterIndex(charIndex) {
+ // todo: is this correct thinking for handling root?
+ if (this.isRoot()) return 0
+ const numberOfIndents = this._getXCoordinate(undefined) - 1
+ // todo: probably want to rewrite this in a performant way.
+ const spots = []
+ while (spots.length < numberOfIndents) {
+ spots.push(-(numberOfIndents - spots.length))
+ }
+ this.getWords().forEach((word, wordIndex) => {
+ word.split("").forEach(letter => {
+ spots.push(wordIndex)
+ })
+ spots.push(wordIndex)
+ })
+ return spots[charIndex]
+ }
+ getAllErrors(lineStartsAt = 1) {
+ const errors = []
+ for (let node of this.getTopDownArray()) {
+ node._cachedLineNumber = lineStartsAt // todo: cleanup
+ const errs = node.getErrors()
+ errs.forEach(err => errors.push(err))
+ // delete node._cachedLineNumber
+ lineStartsAt++
+ }
+ return errors
+ }
+ *getAllErrorsIterator() {
+ let line = 1
+ for (let node of this.getTopDownArrayIterator()) {
+ node._cachedLineNumber = line
+ const errs = node.getErrors()
+ // delete node._cachedLineNumber
+ if (errs.length) yield errs
+ line++
+ }
+ }
+ getFirstWord() {
+ return this.getWords()[0]
+ }
+ getContent() {
+ const words = this.getWordsFrom(1)
+ return words.length ? words.join(this.getZI()) : undefined
+ }
+ getContentWithChildren() {
+ // todo: deprecate
+ const content = this.getContent()
+ return (content ? content : "") + (this.length ? this.getYI() + this._childrenToString() : "")
+ }
+ getFirstNode() {
+ return this.nodeAt(0)
+ }
+ getStack() {
+ return this._getStack()
+ }
+ _getStack(relativeTo) {
+ if (this.isRoot(relativeTo)) return []
+ const parent = this.getParent()
+ if (parent.isRoot(relativeTo)) return [this]
+ else return parent._getStack(relativeTo).concat([this])
+ }
+ getStackString() {
+ return this._getStack()
+ .map((node, index) => this.getXI().repeat(index) + node.getLine())
+ .join(this.getYI())
+ }
+ getLine(language) {
+ if (!this._words && !language) return this._getLine() // todo: how does this interact with "language" param?
+ return this.getWords().join((language || this).getZI())
+ }
+ getColumnNames() {
+ return this._getUnionNames()
+ }
+ getOneHot(column) {
+ const clone = this.clone()
+ const cols = Array.from(new Set(clone.getColumn(column)))
+ clone.forEach(node => {
+ const val = node.get(column)
+ node.delete(column)
+ cols.forEach(col => {
+ node.set(column + "_" + col, val === col ? "1" : "0")
+ })
+ })
+ return clone
+ }
+ // todo: return array? getPathArray?
+ _getFirstWordPath(relativeTo) {
+ if (this.isRoot(relativeTo)) return ""
+ else if (this.getParent().isRoot(relativeTo)) return this.getFirstWord()
+ return this.getParent()._getFirstWordPath(relativeTo) + this.getXI() + this.getFirstWord()
+ }
+ getFirstWordPathRelativeTo(relativeTo) {
+ return this._getFirstWordPath(relativeTo)
+ }
+ getFirstWordPath() {
+ return this._getFirstWordPath()
+ }
+ getPathVector() {
+ return this._getPathVector()
+ }
+ getPathVectorRelativeTo(relativeTo) {
+ return this._getPathVector(relativeTo)
+ }
+ _getPathVector(relativeTo) {
+ if (this.isRoot(relativeTo)) return []
+ const path = this.getParent()._getPathVector(relativeTo)
+ path.push(this.getIndex())
+ return path
+ }
+ getIndex() {
+ return this.getParent()._indexOfNode(this)
+ }
+ isTerminal() {
+ return !this.length
+ }
+ _getLineHtml() {
+ return this.getWords()
+ .map((word, index) => `${TreeUtils.stripHtml(word)}`)
+ .join(`${this.getZI()}`)
+ }
+ _getXmlContent(indentCount) {
+ if (this.getContent() !== undefined) return this.getContentWithChildren()
+ return this.length ? `${indentCount === -1 ? "" : "\n"}${this._childrenToXml(indentCount > -1 ? indentCount + 2 : -1)}${" ".repeat(indentCount)}` : ""
+ }
+ _toXml(indentCount) {
+ const indent = " ".repeat(indentCount)
+ const tag = this.getFirstWord()
+ return `${indent}<${tag}>${this._getXmlContent(indentCount)}${indentCount === -1 ? "" : "\n"}`
+ }
+ _toObjectTuple() {
+ const content = this.getContent()
+ const length = this.length
+ const hasChildrenNoContent = content === undefined && length
+ const hasContentAndHasChildren = content !== undefined && length
+ // If the node has a content and a subtree return it as a string, as
+ // Javascript object values can't be both a leaf and a tree.
+ const tupleValue = hasChildrenNoContent ? this.toObject() : hasContentAndHasChildren ? this.getContentWithChildren() : content
+ return [this.getFirstWord(), tupleValue]
+ }
+ _indexOfNode(needleNode) {
+ let result = -1
+ this.find((node, index) => {
+ if (node === needleNode) {
+ result = index
+ return true
+ }
+ })
+ return result
+ }
+ getSlice(startIndexInclusive, stopIndexExclusive) {
+ return new TreeNode(
+ this.slice(startIndexInclusive, stopIndexExclusive)
+ .map(child => child.toString())
+ .join("\n")
+ )
+ }
+ _hasColumns(columns) {
+ const words = this.getWords()
+ return columns.every((searchTerm, index) => searchTerm === words[index])
+ }
+ hasWord(index, word) {
+ return this.getWord(index) === word
+ }
+ getNodeByColumns(...columns) {
+ return this.getTopDownArray().find(node => node._hasColumns(columns))
+ }
+ getNodeByColumn(index, name) {
+ return this.find(node => node.getWord(index) === name)
+ }
+ _getNodesByColumn(index, name) {
+ return this.filter(node => node.getWord(index) === name)
+ }
+ // todo: preserve subclasses!
+ select(columnNames) {
+ columnNames = Array.isArray(columnNames) ? columnNames : [columnNames]
+ const result = new TreeNode()
+ this.forEach(node => {
+ const tree = result.appendLine(node.getLine())
+ columnNames.forEach(name => {
+ const valueNode = node.getNode(name)
+ if (valueNode) tree.appendNode(valueNode)
+ })
+ })
+ return result
+ }
+ // Note: this is for debugging select chains
+ print(message = "") {
+ if (message) console.log(message)
+ console.log(this.toString())
+ return this
+ }
+ // todo: preserve subclasses!
+ where(columnName, operator, fixedValue) {
+ const isArray = Array.isArray(fixedValue)
+ const valueType = isArray ? typeof fixedValue[0] : typeof fixedValue
+ let parser
+ if (valueType === "number") parser = parseFloat
+ const fn = node => {
+ const cell = node.get(columnName)
+ const typedCell = parser ? parser(cell) : cell
+ if (operator === WhereOperators.equal) return fixedValue === typedCell
+ else if (operator === WhereOperators.notEqual) return fixedValue !== typedCell
+ else if (operator === WhereOperators.includes) return typedCell !== undefined && typedCell.includes(fixedValue)
+ else if (operator === WhereOperators.doesNotInclude) return typedCell === undefined || !typedCell.includes(fixedValue)
+ else if (operator === WhereOperators.greaterThan) return typedCell > fixedValue
+ else if (operator === WhereOperators.lessThan) return typedCell < fixedValue
+ else if (operator === WhereOperators.greaterThanOrEqual) return typedCell >= fixedValue
+ else if (operator === WhereOperators.lessThanOrEqual) return typedCell <= fixedValue
+ else if (operator === WhereOperators.empty) return !node.has(columnName)
+ else if (operator === WhereOperators.notEmpty) return node.has(columnName)
+ else if (operator === && isArray) return fixedValue.includes(typedCell)
+ else if (operator === WhereOperators.notIn && isArray) return !fixedValue.includes(typedCell)
+ }
+ const result = new TreeNode()
+ this.filter(fn).forEach(node => {
+ result.appendNode(node)
+ })
+ return result
+ }
+ with(firstWord) {
+ return this.filter(node => node.has(firstWord))
+ }
+ first(quantity = 1) {
+ return this.limit(quantity, 0)
+ }
+ last(quantity = 1) {
+ return this.limit(quantity, this.length - quantity)
+ }
+ // todo: preserve subclasses!
+ limit(quantity, offset = 0) {
+ const result = new TreeNode()
+ this.getChildren()
+ .slice(offset, quantity + offset)
+ .forEach(node => {
+ result.appendNode(node)
+ })
+ return result
+ }
+ getChildrenFirstArray() {
+ const arr = []
+ this._getChildrenFirstArray(arr)
+ return arr
+ }
+ _getChildrenFirstArray(arr) {
+ this.forEach(child => {
+ child._getChildrenFirstArray(arr)
+ arr.push(child)
+ })
+ }
+ _getXCoordinate(relativeTo) {
+ return this._getStack(relativeTo).length
+ }
+ getParentFirstArray() {
+ const levels = this._getLevels()
+ const arr = []
+ Object.values(levels).forEach(level => {
+ level.forEach(item => arr.push(item))
+ })
+ return arr
+ }
+ _getLevels() {
+ const levels = {}
+ this.getTopDownArray().forEach(node => {
+ const level = node._getXCoordinate()
+ if (!levels[level]) levels[level] = []
+ levels[level].push(node)
+ })
+ return levels
+ }
+ _getChildrenArray() {
+ if (!this._children) this._children = []
+ return this._children
+ }
+ _getChildren() {
+ return this._getChildrenArray()
+ }
+ getLines() {
+ return => node.getLine())
+ }
+ getChildren() {
+ return this._getChildren().slice(0)
+ }
+ get length() {
+ return this._getChildren().length
+ }
+ _nodeAt(index) {
+ if (index < 0) index = this.length + index
+ return this._getChildren()[index]
+ }
+ nodeAt(indexOrIndexArray) {
+ if (typeof indexOrIndexArray === "number") return this._nodeAt(indexOrIndexArray)
+ if (indexOrIndexArray.length === 1) return this._nodeAt(indexOrIndexArray[0])
+ const first = indexOrIndexArray[0]
+ const node = this._nodeAt(first)
+ if (!node) return undefined
+ return node.nodeAt(indexOrIndexArray.slice(1))
+ }
+ _toObject() {
+ const obj = {}
+ this.forEach(node => {
+ const tuple = node._toObjectTuple()
+ obj[tuple[0]] = tuple[1]
+ })
+ return obj
+ }
+ toHtml() {
+ return this._childrenToHtml(0)
+ }
+ _getHtmlJoinByCharacter() {
+ return `${this.getYI()}`
+ }
+ _childrenToHtml(indentCount) {
+ const joinBy = this._getHtmlJoinByCharacter()
+ return => node._toHtml(indentCount)).join(joinBy)
+ }
+ _childrenToString(indentCount, language = this) {
+ return => node.toString(indentCount, language)).join(language.getYI())
+ }
+ childrenToString(indentCount = 0) {
+ return this._childrenToString(indentCount)
+ }
+ // todo: implement
+ _getChildJoinCharacter() {
+ return "\n"
+ }
+ compile() {
+ return => child.compile()).join(this._getChildJoinCharacter())
+ }
+ toXml() {
+ return this._childrenToXml(0)
+ }
+ toDisk(path) {
+ if (!this.isNodeJs()) throw new Error("This method only works in Node.js")
+ const format = TreeNode._getFileFormat(path)
+ const formats = {
+ tree: tree => tree.toString(),
+ csv: tree => tree.toCsv(),
+ tsv: tree => tree.toTsv()
+ }
+ this.require("fs").writeFileSync(path, formats[format](this), "utf8")
+ return this
+ }
+ _lineToYaml(indentLevel, listTag = "") {
+ let prefix = " ".repeat(indentLevel)
+ if (listTag && indentLevel > 1) prefix = " ".repeat(indentLevel - 2) + listTag + " "
+ return prefix + `${this.getFirstWord()}:` + (this.getContent() ? " " + this.getContent() : "")
+ }
+ _isYamlList() {
+ return this.hasDuplicateFirstWords()
+ }
+ toYaml() {
+ return `%YAML 1.2
+ ---\n${this._childrenToYaml(0).join("\n")}`
+ }
+ _childrenToYaml(indentLevel) {
+ if (this._isYamlList()) return this._childrenToYamlList(indentLevel)
+ else return this._childrenToYamlAssociativeArray(indentLevel)
+ }
+ // if your code-to-be-yaml has a list of associative arrays of type N and you don't
+ // want the type N to print
+ _collapseYamlLine() {
+ return false
+ }
+ _toYamlListElement(indentLevel) {
+ const children = this._childrenToYaml(indentLevel + 1)
+ if (this._collapseYamlLine()) {
+ if (indentLevel > 1) return children.join("\n").replace(" ".repeat(indentLevel), " ".repeat(indentLevel - 2) + "- ")
+ return children.join("\n")
+ } else {
+ children.unshift(this._lineToYaml(indentLevel, "-"))
+ return children.join("\n")
+ }
+ }
+ _childrenToYamlList(indentLevel) {
+ return => node._toYamlListElement(indentLevel + 2))
+ }
+ _toYamlAssociativeArrayElement(indentLevel) {
+ const children = this._childrenToYaml(indentLevel + 1)
+ children.unshift(this._lineToYaml(indentLevel))
+ return children.join("\n")
+ }
+ _childrenToYamlAssociativeArray(indentLevel) {
+ return => node._toYamlAssociativeArrayElement(indentLevel))
+ }
+ toJsonSubset() {
+ return JSON.stringify(this.toObject(), null, " ")
+ }
+ findNodes(firstWordPath) {
+ // todo: can easily speed this up
+ const map = {}
+ if (!Array.isArray(firstWordPath)) firstWordPath = [firstWordPath]
+ firstWordPath.forEach(path => (map[path] = true))
+ return this.getTopDownArray().filter(node => {
+ if (map[node._getFirstWordPath(this)]) return true
+ return false
+ })
+ }
+ format(str) {
+ const that = this
+ return str.replace(/{([^\}]+)}/g, (match, path) => that.get(path) || "")
+ }
+ getColumn(path) {
+ return => node.get(path))
+ }
+ getFiltered(fn) {
+ const clone = this.clone()
+ clone
+ .filter((node, index) => !fn(node, index))
+ .forEach(node => {
+ node.destroy()
+ })
+ return clone
+ }
+ getNode(firstWordPath) {
+ return this._getNodeByPath(firstWordPath)
+ }
+ get(firstWordPath) {
+ const node = this._getNodeByPath(firstWordPath)
+ return node === undefined ? undefined : node.getContent()
+ }
+ getNodesByGlobPath(query) {
+ return this._getNodesByGlobPath(query)
+ }
+ _getNodesByGlobPath(globPath) {
+ const xi = this.getXI()
+ if (!globPath.includes(xi)) {
+ if (globPath === "*") return this.getChildren()
+ return this.filter(node => node.getFirstWord() === globPath)
+ }
+ const parts = globPath.split(xi)
+ const current = parts.shift()
+ const rest = parts.join(xi)
+ const matchingNodes = current === "*" ? this.getChildren() : this.filter(child => child.getFirstWord() === current)
+ return [].concat.apply([], => node._getNodesByGlobPath(rest)))
+ }
+ _getNodeByPath(firstWordPath) {
+ const xi = this.getXI()
+ if (!firstWordPath.includes(xi)) {
+ const index = this.indexOfLast(firstWordPath)
+ return index === -1 ? undefined : this._nodeAt(index)
+ }
+ const parts = firstWordPath.split(xi)
+ const current = parts.shift()
+ const currentNode = this._getChildren()[this._getIndex()[current]]
+ return currentNode ? currentNode._getNodeByPath(parts.join(xi)) : undefined
+ }
+ getNext() {
+ if (this.isRoot()) return this
+ const index = this.getIndex()
+ const parent = this.getParent()
+ const length = parent.length
+ const next = index + 1
+ return next === length ? parent._getChildren()[0] : parent._getChildren()[next]
+ }
+ getPrevious() {
+ if (this.isRoot()) return this
+ const index = this.getIndex()
+ const parent = this.getParent()
+ const length = parent.length
+ const prev = index - 1
+ return prev === -1 ? parent._getChildren()[length - 1] : parent._getChildren()[prev]
+ }
+ _getUnionNames() {
+ if (!this.length) return []
+ const obj = {}
+ this.forEach(node => {
+ if (!node.length) return undefined
+ node.forEach(node => {
+ obj[node.getFirstWord()] = 1
+ })
+ })
+ return Object.keys(obj)
+ }
+ getAncestorNodesByInheritanceViaExtendsKeyword(key) {
+ const ancestorNodes = this._getAncestorNodes((node, id) => node._getNodesByColumn(0, id), node => node.get(key), this)
+ ancestorNodes.push(this)
+ return ancestorNodes
+ }
+ // Note: as you can probably tell by the name of this method, I don't recommend using this as it will likely be replaced by something better.
+ getAncestorNodesByInheritanceViaColumnIndices(thisColumnNumber, extendsColumnNumber) {
+ const ancestorNodes = this._getAncestorNodes((node, id) => node._getNodesByColumn(thisColumnNumber, id), node => node.getWord(extendsColumnNumber), this)
+ ancestorNodes.push(this)
+ return ancestorNodes
+ }
+ _getAncestorNodes(getPotentialParentNodesByIdFn, getParentIdFn, cannotContainNode) {
+ const parentId = getParentIdFn(this)
+ if (!parentId) return []
+ const potentialParentNodes = getPotentialParentNodesByIdFn(this.getParent(), parentId)
+ if (!potentialParentNodes.length) throw new Error(`"${this.getLine()} tried to extend "${parentId}" but "${parentId}" not found.`)
+ if (potentialParentNodes.length > 1) throw new Error(`Invalid inheritance family tree. Multiple unique ids found for "${parentId}"`)
+ const parentNode = potentialParentNodes[0]
+ // todo: detect loops
+ if (parentNode === cannotContainNode) throw new Error(`Loop detected between '${this.getLine()}' and '${parentNode.getLine()}'`)
+ const ancestorNodes = parentNode._getAncestorNodes(getPotentialParentNodesByIdFn, getParentIdFn, cannotContainNode)
+ ancestorNodes.push(parentNode)
+ return ancestorNodes
+ }
+ pathVectorToFirstWordPath(pathVector) {
+ const path = pathVector.slice() // copy array
+ const names = []
+ let node = this
+ while (path.length) {
+ if (!node) return names
+ names.push(node.nodeAt(path[0]).getFirstWord())
+ node = node.nodeAt(path.shift())
+ }
+ return names
+ }
+ toCsv() {
+ return this.toDelimited(",")
+ }
+ _getTypes(header) {
+ const matrix = this._getMatrix(header)
+ const types = => "int")
+ matrix.forEach(row => {
+ row.forEach((value, index) => {
+ const type = types[index]
+ if (type === "string") return 1
+ if (value === undefined || value === "") return 1
+ if (type === "float") {
+ if (value.match(/^\-?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*$/)) return 1
+ types[index] = "string"
+ }
+ if (value.match(/^\-?[0-9]+$/)) return 1
+ types[index] = "string"
+ })
+ })
+ return types
+ }
+ toDataTable(header = this._getUnionNames()) {
+ const types = this._getTypes(header)
+ const parsers = {
+ string: str => str,
+ float: parseFloat,
+ int: parseInt
+ }
+ const cellFn = (cellValue, rowIndex, columnIndex) => (rowIndex ? parsers[types[columnIndex]](cellValue) : cellValue)
+ const arrays = this._toArrays(header, cellFn)
+ arrays.rows.unshift(arrays.header)
+ return arrays.rows
+ }
+ toDelimited(delimiter, header = this._getUnionNames()) {
+ const regex = new RegExp(`(\\n|\\"|\\${delimiter})`)
+ const cellFn = (str, row, column) => (!str.toString().match(regex) ? str : `"` + str.replace(/\"/g, `""`) + `"`)
+ return this._toDelimited(delimiter, header, cellFn)
+ }
+ _getMatrix(columns) {
+ const matrix = []
+ this.forEach(child => {
+ const row = []
+ columns.forEach(col => {
+ row.push(child.get(col))
+ })
+ matrix.push(row)
+ })
+ return matrix
+ }
+ _toArrays(header, cellFn) {
+ const skipHeaderRow = 1
+ const headerArray =, index) => cellFn(columnName, 0, index))
+ const rows =, rowNumber) =>
+, columnIndex) => {
+ const childNode = node.getNode(columnName)
+ const content = childNode ? childNode.getContentWithChildren() : ""
+ return cellFn(content, rowNumber + skipHeaderRow, columnIndex)
+ })
+ )
+ return {
+ rows: rows,
+ header: headerArray
+ }
+ }
+ _toDelimited(delimiter, header, cellFn) {
+ const data = this._toArrays(header, cellFn)
+ return data.header.join(delimiter) + "\n" + => row.join(delimiter)).join("\n")
+ }
+ toTable() {
+ // Output a table for printing
+ return this._toTable(100, false)
+ }
+ toFormattedTable(maxCharactersPerColumn, alignRight = false) {
+ return this._toTable(maxCharactersPerColumn, alignRight)
+ }
+ _toTable(maxCharactersPerColumn, alignRight = false) {
+ const header = this._getUnionNames()
+ // Set initial column widths
+ const widths = => (col.length > maxCharactersPerColumn ? maxCharactersPerColumn : col.length))
+ // Expand column widths if needed
+ this.forEach(node => {
+ if (!node.length) return true
+ header.forEach((col, index) => {
+ const cellValue = node.get(col)
+ if (!cellValue) return true
+ const length = cellValue.toString().length
+ if (length > widths[index]) widths[index] = length > maxCharactersPerColumn ? maxCharactersPerColumn : length
+ })
+ })
+ const cellFn = (cellText, row, col) => {
+ const width = widths[col]
+ // Strip newlines in fixedWidth output
+ const cellValue = cellText.toString().replace(/\n/g, "\\n")
+ const cellLength = cellValue.length
+ if (cellLength > width) return cellValue.substr(0, width) + "..."
+ const padding = " ".repeat(width - cellLength)
+ return alignRight ? padding + cellValue : cellValue + padding
+ }
+ return this._toDelimited(" ", header, cellFn)
+ }
+ toSsv() {
+ return this.toDelimited(" ")
+ }
+ toOutline() {
+ return this._toOutline(node => node.getLine())
+ }
+ toMappedOutline(nodeFn) {
+ return this._toOutline(nodeFn)
+ }
+ // Adapted from:
+ _toOutline(nodeFn) {
+ const growBranch = (outlineTreeNode, last, lastStates, nodeFn, callback) => {
+ let lastStatesCopy = lastStates.slice(0)
+ const node = outlineTreeNode.node
+ if (lastStatesCopy.push([outlineTreeNode, last]) && lastStates.length > 0) {
+ let line = ""
+ // firstWordd on the "was last element" states of whatever we're nested within,
+ // we need to append either blankness or a branch to our line
+ lastStates.forEach((lastState, idx) => {
+ if (idx > 0) line += lastState[1] ? " " : "│"
+ })
+ // the prefix varies firstWordd on whether the key contains something to show and
+ // whether we're dealing with the last element in this collection
+ // the extra "-" just makes things stand out more.
+ line += (last ? "└" : "├") + nodeFn(node)
+ callback(line)
+ }
+ if (!node) return
+ const length = node.length
+ let index = 0
+ node.forEach(node => {
+ let lastKey = ++index === length
+ growBranch({ node: node }, lastKey, lastStatesCopy, nodeFn, callback)
+ })
+ }
+ let output = ""
+ growBranch({ node: this }, false, [], nodeFn, line => (output += line + "\n"))
+ return output
+ }
+ copyTo(node, index) {
+ return node._setLineAndChildren(this.getLine(), this.childrenToString(), index)
+ }
+ // Note: Splits using a positive lookahead
+ // this.split("foo").join("\n") === this.toString()
+ split(firstWord) {
+ const constructor = this.constructor
+ const YI = this.getYI()
+ const ZI = this.getZI()
+ // todo: cleanup. the escaping is wierd.
+ return this.toString()
+ .split(new RegExp(`\\${YI}(?=${firstWord}(?:${ZI}|\\${YI}))`, "g"))
+ .map(str => new constructor(str))
+ }
+ toMarkdownTable() {
+ return this.toMarkdownTableAdvanced(this._getUnionNames(), val => val)
+ }
+ toMarkdownTableAdvanced(columns, formatFn) {
+ const matrix = this._getMatrix(columns)
+ const empty = => "-")
+ matrix.unshift(empty)
+ matrix.unshift(columns)
+ const lines =, rowIndex) => {
+ const formattedValues =, colIndex) => formatFn(val, rowIndex, colIndex))
+ return `|${formattedValues.join("|")}|`
+ })
+ return lines.join("\n")
+ }
+ toTsv() {
+ return this.toDelimited("\t")
+ }
+ getYI() {
+ return "\n"
+ }
+ getZI() {
+ return " "
+ }
+ getYIRegex() {
+ return new RegExp(this.getYI(), "g")
+ }
+ getXI() {
+ return " "
+ }
+ _textToContentAndChildrenTuple(text) {
+ const lines = text.split(this.getYIRegex())
+ const firstLine = lines.shift()
+ const children = !lines.length
+ ? undefined
+ : lines
+ .map(line => (line.substr(0, 1) === this.getXI() ? line : this.getXI() + line))
+ .map(line => line.substr(1))
+ .join(this.getYI())
+ return [firstLine, children]
+ }
+ _getLine() {
+ return this._line
+ }
+ _setLine(line = "") {
+ this._line = line
+ if (this._words) delete this._words
+ return this
+ }
+ _clearChildren() {
+ delete this._children
+ this._clearIndex()
+ return this
+ }
+ _setChildren(content, circularCheckArray) {
+ this._clearChildren()
+ if (!content) return this
+ // set from string
+ if (typeof content === "string") return this._parseString(content)
+ // set from tree object
+ if (content instanceof TreeNode) {
+ const me = this
+ content.forEach(node => {
+ me._setLineAndChildren(node.getLine(), node.childrenToString())
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ // If we set from object, create an array of inserted objects to avoid circular loops
+ if (!circularCheckArray) circularCheckArray = [content]
+ return this._setFromObject(content, circularCheckArray)
+ }
+ _setFromObject(content, circularCheckArray) {
+ for (let firstWord in content) {
+ if (!content.hasOwnProperty(firstWord)) continue
+ // Branch the circularCheckArray, as we only have same branch circular arrays
+ this._appendFromJavascriptObjectTuple(firstWord, content[firstWord], circularCheckArray.slice(0))
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ // todo: refactor the below.
+ _appendFromJavascriptObjectTuple(firstWord, content, circularCheckArray) {
+ const type = typeof content
+ let line
+ let children
+ if (content === null) line = firstWord + " " + null
+ else if (content === undefined) line = firstWord
+ else if (type === "string") {
+ const tuple = this._textToContentAndChildrenTuple(content)
+ line = firstWord + " " + tuple[0]
+ children = tuple[1]
+ } else if (type === "function") line = firstWord + " " + content.toString()
+ else if (type !== "object") line = firstWord + " " + content
+ else if (content instanceof Date) line = firstWord + " " + content.getTime().toString()
+ else if (content instanceof TreeNode) {
+ line = firstWord
+ children = new TreeNode(content.childrenToString(), content.getLine())
+ } else if (circularCheckArray.indexOf(content) === -1) {
+ circularCheckArray.push(content)
+ line = firstWord
+ const length = content instanceof Array ? content.length : Object.keys(content).length
+ if (length) children = new TreeNode()._setChildren(content, circularCheckArray)
+ } else {
+ // iirc this is return early from circular
+ return
+ }
+ this._setLineAndChildren(line, children)
+ }
+ // todo: protected?
+ _setLineAndChildren(line, children, index = this.length) {
+ const nodeConstructor = this._getParser()._getNodeConstructor(line, this)
+ const newNode = new nodeConstructor(children, line, this)
+ const adjustedIndex = index < 0 ? this.length + index : index
+ this._getChildrenArray().splice(adjustedIndex, 0, newNode)
+ if (this._index) this._makeIndex(adjustedIndex)
+ return newNode
+ }
+ _parseString(str) {
+ const lines = str.split(this.getYIRegex())
+ const parentStack = []
+ let currentIndentCount = -1
+ let lastNode = this
+ lines.forEach(line => {
+ const indentCount = this._getIndentCount(line)
+ if (indentCount > currentIndentCount) {
+ currentIndentCount++
+ parentStack.push(lastNode)
+ } else if (indentCount < currentIndentCount) {
+ // pop things off stack
+ while (indentCount < currentIndentCount) {
+ parentStack.pop()
+ currentIndentCount--
+ }
+ }
+ const lineContent = line.substr(currentIndentCount)
+ const parent = parentStack[parentStack.length - 1]
+ const nodeConstructor = parent._getParser()._getNodeConstructor(lineContent, parent)
+ lastNode = new nodeConstructor(undefined, lineContent, parent)
+ parent._getChildrenArray().push(lastNode)
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ _getIndex() {
+ // StringMap {firstWord: index}
+ // When there are multiple tails with the same firstWord, _index stores the last content.
+ // todo: change the above behavior: when a collision occurs, create an array.
+ return this._index || this._makeIndex()
+ }
+ getContentsArray() {
+ return => node.getContent())
+ }
+ // todo: rename to getChildrenByConstructor(?)
+ getChildrenByNodeConstructor(constructor) {
+ return this.filter(child => child instanceof constructor)
+ }
+ // todo: rename to getNodeByConstructor(?)
+ getNodeByType(constructor) {
+ return this.find(child => child instanceof constructor)
+ }
+ indexOfLast(firstWord) {
+ const result = this._getIndex()[firstWord]
+ return result === undefined ? -1 : result
+ }
+ // todo: renmae to indexOfFirst?
+ indexOf(firstWord) {
+ if (!this.has(firstWord)) return -1
+ const length = this.length
+ const nodes = this._getChildren()
+ for (let index = 0; index < length; index++) {
+ if (nodes[index].getFirstWord() === firstWord) return index
+ }
+ }
+ toObject() {
+ return this._toObject()
+ }
+ getFirstWords() {
+ return => node.getFirstWord())
+ }
+ _makeIndex(startAt = 0) {
+ if (!this._index || !startAt) this._index = {}
+ const nodes = this._getChildren()
+ const newIndex = this._index
+ const length = nodes.length
+ for (let index = startAt; index < length; index++) {
+ newIndex[nodes[index].getFirstWord()] = index
+ }
+ return newIndex
+ }
+ _childrenToXml(indentCount) {
+ return => node._toXml(indentCount)).join("")
+ }
+ _getIndentCount(str) {
+ let level = 0
+ const edgeChar = this.getXI()
+ while (str[level] === edgeChar) {
+ level++
+ }
+ return level
+ }
+ clone() {
+ return new this.constructor(this.childrenToString(), this.getLine())
+ }
+ // todo: rename to hasFirstWord
+ has(firstWord) {
+ return this._hasFirstWord(firstWord)
+ }
+ _hasFirstWord(firstWord) {
+ return this._getIndex()[firstWord] !== undefined
+ }
+ map(fn) {
+ return this.getChildren().map(fn)
+ }
+ filter(fn) {
+ return this.getChildren().filter(fn)
+ }
+ find(fn) {
+ return this.getChildren().find(fn)
+ }
+ every(fn) {
+ let index = 0
+ for (let node of this.getTopDownArrayIterator()) {
+ if (!fn(node, index)) return false
+ index++
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ forEach(fn) {
+ this.getChildren().forEach(fn)
+ return this
+ }
+ // todo: protected?
+ _clearIndex() {
+ delete this._index
+ }
+ slice(start, end) {
+ return this.getChildren().slice(start, end)
+ }
+ // todo: make 0 and 1 a param
+ getInheritanceTree() {
+ const paths = {}
+ const result = new TreeNode()
+ this.forEach(node => {
+ const key = node.getWord(0)
+ const parentKey = node.getWord(1)
+ const parentPath = paths[parentKey]
+ paths[key] = parentPath ? [parentPath, key].join(" ") : key
+ result.touchNode(paths[key])
+ })
+ return result
+ }
+ _getGrandParent() {
+ return this.isRoot() || this.getParent().isRoot() ? undefined : this.getParent().getParent()
+ }
+ _getParser() {
+ if (!this._parser) this._parser = this.createParser()
+ return this._parser
+ }
+ createParser() {
+ return new Parser(this.constructor)
+ }
+ static _makeUniqueId() {
+ if (this._uniqueId === undefined) this._uniqueId = 0
+ this._uniqueId++
+ return this._uniqueId
+ }
+ static _getFileFormat(path) {
+ const format = path.split(".").pop()
+ return FileFormat[format] ? format : FileFormat.tree
+ }
+ getMTime() {
+ if (!this._mtime) this._updateMTime()
+ return this._mtime
+ }
+ _getChildrenMTime() {
+ const mTimes = => child.getTreeMTime())
+ const cmTime = this._getCMTime()
+ if (cmTime) mTimes.push(cmTime)
+ const newestTime = Math.max.apply(null, mTimes)
+ return this._setCMTime(newestTime || this._getProcessTimeInMilliseconds())._getCMTime()
+ }
+ _getCMTime() {
+ return this._cmtime
+ }
+ _setCMTime(value) {
+ this._cmtime = value
+ return this
+ }
+ getTreeMTime() {
+ const mtime = this.getMTime()
+ const cmtime = this._getChildrenMTime()
+ return Math.max(mtime, cmtime)
+ }
+ _setVirtualParentTree(tree) {
+ this._virtualParentTree = tree
+ return this
+ }
+ _getVirtualParentTreeNode() {
+ return this._virtualParentTree
+ }
+ _setVirtualAncestorNodesByInheritanceViaColumnIndicesAndThenExpand(nodes, thisIdColumnNumber, extendsIdColumnNumber) {
+ const map = {}
+ for (let node of nodes) {
+ const nodeId = node.getWord(thisIdColumnNumber)
+ if (map[nodeId]) throw new Error(`Tried to define a node with id "${nodeId}" but one is already defined.`)
+ map[nodeId] = {
+ nodeId: nodeId,
+ node: node,
+ parentId: node.getWord(extendsIdColumnNumber)
+ }
+ }
+ // Add parent Nodes
+ Object.values(map).forEach(nodeInfo => {
+ const parentId = nodeInfo.parentId
+ const parentNode = map[parentId]
+ if (parentId && !parentNode) throw new Error(`Node "${nodeInfo.nodeId}" tried to extend "${parentId}" but "${parentId}" not found.`)
+ if (parentId) nodeInfo.node._setVirtualParentTree(parentNode.node)
+ })
+ nodes.forEach(node => node._expandFromVirtualParentTree())
+ return this
+ }
+ _expandFromVirtualParentTree() {
+ if (this._isVirtualExpanded) return this
+ this._isExpanding = true
+ let parentNode = this._getVirtualParentTreeNode()
+ if (parentNode) {
+ if (parentNode._isExpanding) throw new Error(`Loop detected: '${this.getLine()}' is the ancestor of one of its ancestors.`)
+ parentNode._expandFromVirtualParentTree()
+ const clone = this.clone()
+ this._setChildren(parentNode.childrenToString())
+ this.extend(clone)
+ }
+ this._isExpanding = false
+ this._isVirtualExpanded = true
+ }
+ // todo: solve issue related to whether extend should overwrite or append.
+ _expandChildren(thisIdColumnNumber, extendsIdColumnNumber, childrenThatNeedExpanding = this.getChildren()) {
+ return this._setVirtualAncestorNodesByInheritanceViaColumnIndicesAndThenExpand(childrenThatNeedExpanding, thisIdColumnNumber, extendsIdColumnNumber)
+ }
+ // todo: add more testing.
+ // todo: solve issue with where extend should overwrite or append
+ // todo: should take a grammar? to decide whether to overwrite or append.
+ // todo: this is slow.
+ extend(nodeOrStr) {
+ const node = nodeOrStr instanceof TreeNode ? nodeOrStr : new TreeNode(nodeOrStr)
+ const usedFirstWords = new Set()
+ node.forEach(sourceNode => {
+ const firstWord = sourceNode.getFirstWord()
+ let targetNode
+ const isAnArrayNotMap = usedFirstWords.has(firstWord)
+ if (!this.has(firstWord)) {
+ usedFirstWords.add(firstWord)
+ this.appendLineAndChildren(sourceNode.getLine(), sourceNode.childrenToString())
+ return true
+ }
+ if (isAnArrayNotMap) targetNode = this.appendLine(sourceNode.getLine())
+ else {
+ targetNode = this.touchNode(firstWord).setContent(sourceNode.getContent())
+ usedFirstWords.add(firstWord)
+ }
+ if (sourceNode.length) targetNode.extend(sourceNode)
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ macroExpand(macroDefinitionWord, macroUsageWord) {
+ const clone = this.clone()
+ const defs = clone.findNodes(macroDefinitionWord)
+ const allUses = clone.findNodes(macroUsageWord)
+ const zi = clone.getZI()
+ defs.forEach(def => {
+ const macroName = def.getWord(1)
+ const uses = allUses.filter(node => node.hasWord(1, macroName))
+ const params = def.getWordsFrom(2)
+ const replaceFn = str => {
+ const paramValues = str.split(zi).slice(2)
+ let newTree = def.childrenToString()
+ params.forEach((param, index) => {
+ newTree = newTree.replace(new RegExp(param, "g"), paramValues[index])
+ })
+ return newTree
+ }
+ uses.forEach(node => {
+ node.replaceNode(replaceFn)
+ })
+ def.destroy()
+ })
+ return clone
+ }
+ setChildren(children) {
+ return this._setChildren(children)
+ }
+ _updateMTime() {
+ this._mtime = this._getProcessTimeInMilliseconds()
+ }
+ insertWord(index, word) {
+ const wi = this.getZI()
+ const words = this._getLine().split(wi)
+ words.splice(index, 0, word)
+ this.setLine(words.join(wi))
+ return this
+ }
+ deleteDuplicates() {
+ const set = new Set()
+ this.getTopDownArray().forEach(node => {
+ const str = node.toString()
+ if (set.has(str)) node.destroy()
+ else set.add(str)
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ setWord(index, word) {
+ const wi = this.getZI()
+ const words = this._getLine().split(wi)
+ words[index] = word
+ this.setLine(words.join(wi))
+ return this
+ }
+ deleteChildren() {
+ return this._clearChildren()
+ }
+ setContent(content) {
+ if (content === this.getContent()) return this
+ const newArray = [this.getFirstWord()]
+ if (content !== undefined) {
+ content = content.toString()
+ if (content.match(this.getYI())) return this.setContentWithChildren(content)
+ newArray.push(content)
+ }
+ this._updateMTime()
+ return this._setLine(newArray.join(this.getZI()))
+ }
+ prependSibling(line, children) {
+ return this.getParent().insertLineAndChildren(line, children, this.getIndex())
+ }
+ appendSibling(line, children) {
+ return this.getParent().insertLineAndChildren(line, children, this.getIndex() + 1)
+ }
+ setContentWithChildren(text) {
+ // todo: deprecate
+ if (!text.includes(this.getYI())) {
+ this._clearChildren()
+ return this.setContent(text)
+ }
+ const lines = text.split(this.getYIRegex())
+ const firstLine = lines.shift()
+ this.setContent(firstLine)
+ // tood: cleanup.
+ const remainingString = lines.join(this.getYI())
+ const children = new TreeNode(remainingString)
+ if (!remainingString) children.appendLine("")
+ this.setChildren(children)
+ return this
+ }
+ setFirstWord(firstWord) {
+ return this.setWord(0, firstWord)
+ }
+ setLine(line) {
+ if (line === this.getLine()) return this
+ this._updateMTime()
+ // todo: clear parent TMTimes
+ this.getParent()._clearIndex()
+ return this._setLine(line)
+ }
+ duplicate() {
+ return this.getParent()._setLineAndChildren(this.getLine(), this.childrenToString(), this.getIndex() + 1)
+ }
+ destroy() {
+ this.getParent()._deleteNode(this)
+ }
+ set(firstWordPath, text) {
+ return this.touchNode(firstWordPath).setContentWithChildren(text)
+ }
+ setFromText(text) {
+ if (this.toString() === text) return this
+ const tuple = this._textToContentAndChildrenTuple(text)
+ this.setLine(tuple[0])
+ return this._setChildren(tuple[1])
+ }
+ // todo: throw error if line contains a \n
+ appendLine(line) {
+ return this._setLineAndChildren(line)
+ }
+ appendLineAndChildren(line, children) {
+ return this._setLineAndChildren(line, children)
+ }
+ getNodesByRegex(regex) {
+ const matches = []
+ regex = regex instanceof RegExp ? [regex] : regex
+ this._getNodesByLineRegex(matches, regex)
+ return matches
+ }
+ getNodesByLinePrefixes(columns) {
+ const matches = []
+ this._getNodesByLineRegex(matches, => new RegExp("^" + str)))
+ return matches
+ }
+ _getNodesByLineRegex(matches, regs) {
+ const rgs = regs.slice(0)
+ const reg = rgs.shift()
+ const candidates = this.filter(child => child.getLine().match(reg))
+ if (!rgs.length) return candidates.forEach(cand => matches.push(cand))
+ candidates.forEach(cand => cand._getNodesByLineRegex(matches, rgs))
+ }
+ concat(node) {
+ if (typeof node === "string") node = new TreeNode(node)
+ return => this._setLineAndChildren(node.getLine(), node.childrenToString()))
+ }
+ _deleteByIndexes(indexesToDelete) {
+ this._clearIndex()
+ // note: assumes indexesToDelete is in ascending order
+ indexesToDelete.reverse().forEach(index => this._getChildrenArray().splice(index, 1))
+ return this._setCMTime(this._getProcessTimeInMilliseconds())
+ }
+ _deleteNode(node) {
+ const index = this._indexOfNode(node)
+ return index > -1 ? this._deleteByIndexes([index]) : 0
+ }
+ reverse() {
+ this._clearIndex()
+ this._getChildrenArray().reverse()
+ return this
+ }
+ shift() {
+ if (!this.length) return null
+ const node = this._getChildrenArray().shift()
+ return node.copyTo(new this.constructor(), 0)
+ }
+ sort(fn) {
+ this._getChildrenArray().sort(fn)
+ this._clearIndex()
+ return this
+ }
+ invert() {
+ this.forEach(node => node.getWords().reverse())
+ return this
+ }
+ _rename(oldFirstWord, newFirstWord) {
+ const index = this.indexOf(oldFirstWord)
+ if (index === -1) return this
+ const node = this._getChildren()[index]
+ node.setFirstWord(newFirstWord)
+ this._clearIndex()
+ return this
+ }
+ // Does not recurse.
+ remap(map) {
+ this.forEach(node => {
+ const firstWord = node.getFirstWord()
+ if (map[firstWord] !== undefined) node.setFirstWord(map[firstWord])
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ rename(oldFirstWord, newFirstWord) {
+ this._rename(oldFirstWord, newFirstWord)
+ return this
+ }
+ renameAll(oldName, newName) {
+ this.findNodes(oldName).forEach(node => node.setFirstWord(newName))
+ return this
+ }
+ _deleteAllChildNodesWithFirstWord(firstWord) {
+ if (!this.has(firstWord)) return this
+ const allNodes = this._getChildren()
+ const indexesToDelete = []
+ allNodes.forEach((node, index) => {
+ if (node.getFirstWord() === firstWord) indexesToDelete.push(index)
+ })
+ return this._deleteByIndexes(indexesToDelete)
+ }
+ delete(path = "") {
+ const xi = this.getXI()
+ if (!path.includes(xi)) return this._deleteAllChildNodesWithFirstWord(path)
+ const parts = path.split(xi)
+ const nextFirstWord = parts.pop()
+ const targetNode = this.getNode(parts.join(xi))
+ return targetNode ? targetNode._deleteAllChildNodesWithFirstWord(nextFirstWord) : 0
+ }
+ deleteColumn(firstWord = "") {
+ this.forEach(node => node.delete(firstWord))
+ return this
+ }
+ _getNonMaps() {
+ const results = this.getTopDownArray().filter(node => node.hasDuplicateFirstWords())
+ if (this.hasDuplicateFirstWords()) results.unshift(this)
+ return results
+ }
+ replaceNode(fn) {
+ const parent = this.getParent()
+ const index = this.getIndex()
+ const newNodes = new TreeNode(fn(this.toString()))
+ const returnedNodes = []
+ newNodes.forEach((child, childIndex) => {
+ const newNode = parent.insertLineAndChildren(child.getLine(), child.childrenToString(), index + childIndex)
+ returnedNodes.push(newNode)
+ })
+ this.destroy()
+ return returnedNodes
+ }
+ insertLineAndChildren(line, children, index) {
+ return this._setLineAndChildren(line, children, index)
+ }
+ insertLine(line, index) {
+ return this._setLineAndChildren(line, undefined, index)
+ }
+ prependLine(line) {
+ return this.insertLine(line, 0)
+ }
+ pushContentAndChildren(content, children) {
+ let index = this.length
+ while (this.has(index.toString())) {
+ index++
+ }
+ const line = index.toString() + (content === undefined ? "" : this.getZI() + content)
+ return this.appendLineAndChildren(line, children)
+ }
+ deleteBlanks() {
+ this.getChildren()
+ .filter(node => node.isBlankLine())
+ .forEach(node => node.destroy())
+ return this
+ }
+ // todo: add "globalReplace" method? Which runs a global regex or string replace on the Tree doc as a string?
+ firstWordSort(firstWordOrder) {
+ return this._firstWordSort(firstWordOrder)
+ }
+ deleteWordAt(wordIndex) {
+ const words = this.getWords()
+ words.splice(wordIndex, 1)
+ return this.setWords(words)
+ }
+ setWords(words) {
+ return this.setLine(words.join(this.getZI()))
+ }
+ setWordsFrom(index, words) {
+ this.setWords(
+ this.getWords()
+ .slice(0, index)
+ .concat(words)
+ )
+ return this
+ }
+ appendWord(word) {
+ const words = this.getWords()
+ words.push(word)
+ return this.setWords(words)
+ }
+ _firstWordSort(firstWordOrder, secondarySortFn) {
+ const nodeAFirst = -1
+ const nodeBFirst = 1
+ const map = {}
+ firstWordOrder.forEach((word, index) => {
+ map[word] = index
+ })
+ this.sort((nodeA, nodeB) => {
+ const valA = map[nodeA.getFirstWord()]
+ const valB = map[nodeB.getFirstWord()]
+ if (valA > valB) return nodeBFirst
+ if (valA < valB) return nodeAFirst
+ return secondarySortFn ? secondarySortFn(nodeA, nodeB) : 0
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ _touchNode(firstWordPathArray) {
+ let contextNode = this
+ firstWordPathArray.forEach(firstWord => {
+ contextNode = contextNode.getNode(firstWord) || contextNode.appendLine(firstWord)
+ })
+ return contextNode
+ }
+ _touchNodeByString(str) {
+ str = str.replace(this.getYIRegex(), "") // todo: do we want to do this sanitization?
+ return this._touchNode(str.split(this.getZI()))
+ }
+ touchNode(str) {
+ return this._touchNodeByString(str)
+ }
+ appendNode(node) {
+ return this.appendLineAndChildren(node.getLine(), node.childrenToString())
+ }
+ hasLine(line) {
+ return this.getChildren().some(node => node.getLine() === line)
+ }
+ getNodesByLine(line) {
+ return this.filter(node => node.getLine() === line)
+ }
+ toggleLine(line) {
+ const lines = this.getNodesByLine(line)
+ if (lines.length) {
+ => line.destroy())
+ return this
+ }
+ return this.appendLine(line)
+ }
+ // todo: remove?
+ sortByColumns(indexOrIndices) {
+ const indices = indexOrIndices instanceof Array ? indexOrIndices : [indexOrIndices]
+ const length = indices.length
+ this.sort((nodeA, nodeB) => {
+ const wordsA = nodeA.getWords()
+ const wordsB = nodeB.getWords()
+ for (let index = 0; index < length; index++) {
+ const col = indices[index]
+ const av = wordsA[col]
+ const bv = wordsB[col]
+ if (av === undefined) return -1
+ if (bv === undefined) return 1
+ if (av > bv) return 1
+ else if (av < bv) return -1
+ }
+ return 0
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ getWordsAsSet() {
+ return new Set(this.getWordsFrom(1))
+ }
+ appendWordIfMissing(word) {
+ if (this.getWordsAsSet().has(word)) return this
+ return this.appendWord(word)
+ }
+ // todo: check to ensure identical objects
+ addObjectsAsDelimited(arrayOfObjects, delimiter = TreeUtils._chooseDelimiter(new TreeNode(arrayOfObjects).toString())) {
+ const header = Object.keys(arrayOfObjects[0])
+ .join(delimiter)
+ .replace(/[\n\r]/g, "")
+ const rows = =>
+ Object.values(item)
+ .join(delimiter)
+ .replace(/[\n\r]/g, "")
+ )
+ return this.addUniqueRowsToNestedDelimited(header, rows)
+ }
+ setChildrenAsDelimited(tree, delimiter = TreeUtils._chooseDelimiter(tree.toString())) {
+ tree = tree instanceof TreeNode ? tree : new TreeNode(tree)
+ return this.setChildren(tree.toDelimited(delimiter))
+ }
+ convertChildrenToDelimited(delimiter = TreeUtils._chooseDelimiter(this.childrenToString())) {
+ // todo: handle newlines!!!
+ return this.setChildren(this.toDelimited(delimiter))
+ }
+ addUniqueRowsToNestedDelimited(header, rowsAsStrings) {
+ if (!this.length) this.appendLine(header)
+ // todo: this looks brittle
+ rowsAsStrings.forEach(row => {
+ if (!this.toString().includes(row)) this.appendLine(row)
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ shiftLeft() {
+ const grandParent = this._getGrandParent()
+ if (!grandParent) return this
+ const parentIndex = this.getParent().getIndex()
+ const newNode = grandParent.insertLineAndChildren(this.getLine(), this.length ? this.childrenToString() : undefined, parentIndex + 1)
+ this.destroy()
+ return newNode
+ }
+ shiftRight() {
+ const olderSibling = this._getClosestOlderSibling()
+ if (!olderSibling) return this
+ const newNode = olderSibling.appendLineAndChildren(this.getLine(), this.length ? this.childrenToString() : undefined)
+ this.destroy()
+ return newNode
+ }
+ shiftYoungerSibsRight() {
+ const nodes = this.getYoungerSiblings()
+ nodes.forEach(node => node.shiftRight())
+ return this
+ }
+ sortBy(nameOrNames) {
+ const names = nameOrNames instanceof Array ? nameOrNames : [nameOrNames]
+ const length = names.length
+ this.sort((nodeA, nodeB) => {
+ if (!nodeB.length && !nodeA.length) return 0
+ else if (!nodeA.length) return -1
+ else if (!nodeB.length) return 1
+ for (let index = 0; index < length; index++) {
+ const firstWord = names[index]
+ const av = nodeA.get(firstWord)
+ const bv = nodeB.get(firstWord)
+ if (av > bv) return 1
+ else if (av < bv) return -1
+ }
+ return 0
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ static fromCsv(str) {
+ return this.fromDelimited(str, ",", '"')
+ }
+ static fromJsonSubset(str) {
+ return new TreeNode(JSON.parse(str))
+ }
+ static fromSsv(str) {
+ return this.fromDelimited(str, " ", '"')
+ }
+ static fromTsv(str) {
+ return this.fromDelimited(str, "\t", '"')
+ }
+ static fromDelimited(str, delimiter, quoteChar = '"') {
+ const rows = this._getEscapedRows(str, delimiter, quoteChar)
+ return this._rowsToTreeNode(rows, delimiter, true)
+ }
+ static _getEscapedRows(str, delimiter, quoteChar) {
+ return str.includes(quoteChar) ? this._strToRows(str, delimiter, quoteChar) : str.split("\n").map(line => line.split(delimiter))
+ }
+ static fromDelimitedNoHeaders(str, delimiter, quoteChar) {
+ const rows = this._getEscapedRows(str, delimiter, quoteChar)
+ return this._rowsToTreeNode(rows, delimiter, false)
+ }
+ static _strToRows(str, delimiter, quoteChar, newLineChar = "\n") {
+ const rows = [[]]
+ const newLine = "\n"
+ const length = str.length
+ let currentCell = ""
+ let inQuote = str.substr(0, 1) === quoteChar
+ let currentPosition = inQuote ? 1 : 0
+ let nextChar
+ let isLastChar
+ let currentRow = 0
+ let char
+ let isNextCharAQuote
+ while (currentPosition < length) {
+ char = str[currentPosition]
+ isLastChar = currentPosition + 1 === length
+ nextChar = str[currentPosition + 1]
+ isNextCharAQuote = nextChar === quoteChar
+ if (inQuote) {
+ if (char !== quoteChar) currentCell += char
+ else if (isNextCharAQuote) {
+ // Both the current and next char are ", so the " is escaped
+ currentCell += nextChar
+ currentPosition++ // Jump 2
+ } else {
+ // If the current char is a " and the next char is not, it's the end of the quotes
+ inQuote = false
+ if (isLastChar) rows[currentRow].push(currentCell)
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (char === delimiter) {
+ rows[currentRow].push(currentCell)
+ currentCell = ""
+ if (isNextCharAQuote) {
+ inQuote = true
+ currentPosition++ // Jump 2
+ }
+ } else if (char === newLine) {
+ rows[currentRow].push(currentCell)
+ currentCell = ""
+ currentRow++
+ if (nextChar) rows[currentRow] = []
+ if (isNextCharAQuote) {
+ inQuote = true
+ currentPosition++ // Jump 2
+ }
+ } else if (isLastChar) rows[currentRow].push(currentCell + char)
+ else currentCell += char
+ }
+ currentPosition++
+ }
+ return rows
+ }
+ static multiply(nodeA, nodeB) {
+ const productNode = nodeA.clone()
+ productNode.forEach((node, index) => {
+ node.setChildren(node.length ? this.multiply(node, nodeB) : nodeB.clone())
+ })
+ return productNode
+ }
+ // Given an array return a tree
+ static _rowsToTreeNode(rows, delimiter, hasHeaders) {
+ const numberOfColumns = rows[0].length
+ const treeNode = new TreeNode()
+ const names = this._getHeader(rows, hasHeaders)
+ const rowCount = rows.length
+ for (let rowIndex = hasHeaders ? 1 : 0; rowIndex < rowCount; rowIndex++) {
+ let row = rows[rowIndex]
+ // If the row contains too many columns, shift the extra columns onto the last one.
+ // This allows you to not have to escape delimiter characters in the final column.
+ if (row.length > numberOfColumns) {
+ row[numberOfColumns - 1] = row.slice(numberOfColumns - 1).join(delimiter)
+ row = row.slice(0, numberOfColumns)
+ } else if (row.length < numberOfColumns) {
+ // If the row is missing columns add empty columns until it is full.
+ // This allows you to make including delimiters for empty ending columns in each row optional.
+ while (row.length < numberOfColumns) {
+ row.push("")
+ }
+ }
+ const obj = {}
+ row.forEach((cellValue, index) => {
+ obj[names[index]] = cellValue
+ })
+ treeNode.pushContentAndChildren(undefined, obj)
+ }
+ return treeNode
+ }
+ static _initializeXmlParser() {
+ if (this._xmlParser) return
+ const windowObj = window
+ if (typeof windowObj.DOMParser !== "undefined") this._xmlParser = xmlStr => new windowObj.DOMParser().parseFromString(xmlStr, "text/xml")
+ else if (typeof windowObj.ActiveXObject !== "undefined" && new windowObj.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")) {
+ this._xmlParser = xmlStr => {
+ const xmlDoc = new windowObj.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
+ xmlDoc.async = "false"
+ xmlDoc.loadXML(xmlStr)
+ return xmlDoc
+ }
+ } else throw new Error("No XML parser found")
+ }
+ static fromXml(str) {
+ this._initializeXmlParser()
+ const xml = this._xmlParser(str)
+ try {
+ return this._treeNodeFromXml(xml).getNode("children")
+ } catch (err) {
+ return this._treeNodeFromXml(this._parseXml2(str)).getNode("children")
+ }
+ }
+ static _zipObject(keys, values) {
+ const obj = {}
+ keys.forEach((key, index) => (obj[key] = values[index]))
+ return obj
+ }
+ static fromShape(shapeArr, rootNode = new TreeNode()) {
+ const part = shapeArr.shift()
+ if (part !== undefined) {
+ for (let index = 0; index < part; index++) {
+ rootNode.appendLine(index.toString())
+ }
+ }
+ if (shapeArr.length) rootNode.forEach(node => TreeNode.fromShape(shapeArr.slice(0), node))
+ return rootNode
+ }
+ static fromDataTable(table) {
+ const header = table.shift()
+ return new TreeNode( => this._zipObject(header, row)))
+ }
+ static _parseXml2(str) {
+ const el = document.createElement("div")
+ el.innerHTML = str
+ return el
+ }
+ // todo: cleanup typings
+ static _treeNodeFromXml(xml) {
+ const result = new TreeNode()
+ const children = new TreeNode()
+ // Set attributes
+ if (xml.attributes) {
+ for (let index = 0; index < xml.attributes.length; index++) {
+ result.set(xml.attributes[index].name, xml.attributes[index].value)
+ }
+ }
+ if ( children.pushContentAndChildren(
+ // Set content
+ if (xml.childNodes && xml.childNodes.length > 0) {
+ for (let index = 0; index < xml.childNodes.length; index++) {
+ const child = xml.childNodes[index]
+ if (child.tagName && child.tagName.match(/parsererror/i)) throw new Error("Parse Error")
+ if (child.childNodes.length > 0 && child.tagName) children.appendLineAndChildren(child.tagName, this._treeNodeFromXml(child))
+ else if (child.tagName) children.appendLine(child.tagName)
+ else if ( {
+ const data =
+ if (data) children.pushContentAndChildren(data)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (children.length > 0) result.touchNode("children").setChildren(children)
+ return result
+ }
+ static _getHeader(rows, hasHeaders) {
+ const numberOfColumns = rows[0].length
+ const headerRow = hasHeaders ? rows[0] : []
+ const ZI = " "
+ const ziRegex = new RegExp(ZI, "g")
+ if (hasHeaders) {
+ // Strip any ZIs from column names in the header row.
+ // This makes the mapping not quite 1 to 1 if there are any ZIs in names.
+ for (let index = 0; index < numberOfColumns; index++) {
+ headerRow[index] = headerRow[index].replace(ziRegex, "")
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If str has no headers, create them as 0,1,2,3
+ for (let index = 0; index < numberOfColumns; index++) {
+ headerRow.push(index.toString())
+ }
+ }
+ return headerRow
+ }
+ static nest(str, xValue) {
+ const YI = "\n"
+ const XI = " "
+ const indent = YI + XI.repeat(xValue)
+ return str ? indent + str.replace(/\n/g, indent) : ""
+ }
+ static fromDisk(path) {
+ const format = this._getFileFormat(path)
+ const content = require("fs").readFileSync(path, "utf8")
+ const methods = {
+ tree: content => new TreeNode(content),
+ csv: content => this.fromCsv(content),
+ tsv: content => this.fromTsv(content)
+ }
+ return methods[format](content)
+ }
+ }
+ TreeNode.Parser = Parser
+ TreeNode.iris = `sepal_length,sepal_width,petal_length,petal_width,species
+ 6.1,3,4.9,1.8,virginica
+ 5.6,2.7,4.2,1.3,versicolor
+ 5.6,2.8,4.9,2,virginica
+ 6.2,2.8,4.8,1.8,virginica
+ 7.7,3.8,6.7,2.2,virginica
+ 5.3,3.7,1.5,0.2,setosa
+ 6.2,3.4,5.4,2.3,virginica
+ 4.9,2.5,4.5,1.7,virginica
+ 5.1,3.5,1.4,0.2,setosa
+ 5,3.4,1.5,0.2,setosa`
+ TreeNode.getVersion = () => "40.0.0"
+ class AbstractExtendibleTreeNode extends TreeNode {
+ _getFromExtended(firstWordPath) {
+ const hit = this._getNodeFromExtended(firstWordPath)
+ return hit ? hit.get(firstWordPath) : undefined
+ }
+ _getFamilyTree() {
+ const tree = new TreeNode()
+ this.forEach(node => {
+ const path = node._getAncestorsArray().map(node => node._getId())
+ path.reverse()
+ tree.touchNode(path.join(" "))
+ })
+ return tree
+ }
+ // todo: be more specific with the param
+ _getChildrenByNodeConstructorInExtended(constructor) {
+ return TreeUtils.flatten(this._getAncestorsArray().map(node => node.getChildrenByNodeConstructor(constructor)))
+ }
+ _getExtendedParent() {
+ return this._getAncestorsArray()[1]
+ }
+ _hasFromExtended(firstWordPath) {
+ return !!this._getNodeFromExtended(firstWordPath)
+ }
+ _getNodeFromExtended(firstWordPath) {
+ return this._getAncestorsArray().find(node => node.has(firstWordPath))
+ }
+ _doesExtend(nodeTypeId) {
+ return this._getAncestorSet().has(nodeTypeId)
+ }
+ _getAncestorSet() {
+ if (!this._cache_ancestorSet) this._cache_ancestorSet = new Set(this._getAncestorsArray().map(def => def._getId()))
+ return this._cache_ancestorSet
+ }
+ // Note: the order is: [this, parent, grandParent, ...]
+ _getAncestorsArray(cannotContainNodes) {
+ this._initAncestorsArrayCache(cannotContainNodes)
+ return this._cache_ancestorsArray
+ }
+ _getIdThatThisExtends() {
+ return this.get(TreeNotationConstants.extends)
+ }
+ _initAncestorsArrayCache(cannotContainNodes) {
+ if (this._cache_ancestorsArray) return undefined
+ if (cannotContainNodes && cannotContainNodes.includes(this)) throw new Error(`Loop detected: '${this.getLine()}' is the ancestor of one of its ancestors.`)
+ cannotContainNodes = cannotContainNodes || [this]
+ let ancestors = [this]
+ const extendedId = this._getIdThatThisExtends()
+ if (extendedId) {
+ const parentNode = this._getIdToNodeMap()[extendedId]
+ if (!parentNode) throw new Error(`${extendedId} not found`)
+ ancestors = ancestors.concat(parentNode._getAncestorsArray(cannotContainNodes))
+ }
+ this._cache_ancestorsArray = ancestors
+ }
+ }
+ class ExtendibleTreeNode extends AbstractExtendibleTreeNode {
+ _getIdToNodeMap() {
+ if (!this.isRoot()) return this.getRootNode()._getIdToNodeMap()
+ if (!this._nodeMapCache) {
+ this._nodeMapCache = {}
+ this.forEach(child => {
+ this._nodeMapCache[child._getId()] = child
+ })
+ }
+ return this._nodeMapCache
+ }
+ _getId() {
+ return this.getWord(0)
+ }
+ }
+ window.TreeNode = TreeNode
+ window.ExtendibleTreeNode = ExtendibleTreeNode
+ window.AbstractExtendibleTreeNode = AbstractExtendibleTreeNode
+ var GrammarConstantsCompiler
+ ;(function(GrammarConstantsCompiler) {
+ GrammarConstantsCompiler["stringTemplate"] = "stringTemplate"
+ GrammarConstantsCompiler["indentCharacter"] = "indentCharacter"
+ GrammarConstantsCompiler["catchAllCellDelimiter"] = "catchAllCellDelimiter"
+ GrammarConstantsCompiler["openChildren"] = "openChildren"
+ GrammarConstantsCompiler["joinChildrenWith"] = "joinChildrenWith"
+ GrammarConstantsCompiler["closeChildren"] = "closeChildren"
+ })(GrammarConstantsCompiler || (GrammarConstantsCompiler = {}))
+ var PreludeCellTypeIds
+ ;(function(PreludeCellTypeIds) {
+ PreludeCellTypeIds["anyCell"] = "anyCell"
+ PreludeCellTypeIds["keywordCell"] = "keywordCell"
+ PreludeCellTypeIds["extraWordCell"] = "extraWordCell"
+ PreludeCellTypeIds["floatCell"] = "floatCell"
+ PreludeCellTypeIds["numberCell"] = "numberCell"
+ PreludeCellTypeIds["bitCell"] = "bitCell"
+ PreludeCellTypeIds["boolCell"] = "boolCell"
+ PreludeCellTypeIds["intCell"] = "intCell"
+ })(PreludeCellTypeIds || (PreludeCellTypeIds = {}))
+ var GrammarConstantsConstantTypes
+ ;(function(GrammarConstantsConstantTypes) {
+ GrammarConstantsConstantTypes["boolean"] = "boolean"
+ GrammarConstantsConstantTypes["string"] = "string"
+ GrammarConstantsConstantTypes["int"] = "int"
+ GrammarConstantsConstantTypes["float"] = "float"
+ })(GrammarConstantsConstantTypes || (GrammarConstantsConstantTypes = {}))
+ var GrammarBundleFiles
+ ;(function(GrammarBundleFiles) {
+ GrammarBundleFiles["package"] = "package.json"
+ GrammarBundleFiles["readme"] = ""
+ GrammarBundleFiles["indexHtml"] = "index.html"
+ GrammarBundleFiles["indexJs"] = "index.js"
+ GrammarBundleFiles["testJs"] = "test.js"
+ })(GrammarBundleFiles || (GrammarBundleFiles = {}))
+ var GrammarConstants
+ ;(function(GrammarConstants) {
+ // node types
+ GrammarConstants["extensions"] = "extensions"
+ GrammarConstants["toolingDirective"] = "tooling"
+ GrammarConstants["todoComment"] = "todo"
+ GrammarConstants["version"] = "version"
+ GrammarConstants["nodeType"] = "nodeType"
+ GrammarConstants["cellType"] = "cellType"
+ GrammarConstants["grammarFileExtension"] = "grammar"
+ GrammarConstants["nodeTypeSuffix"] = "Node"
+ GrammarConstants["cellTypeSuffix"] = "Cell"
+ // error check time
+ GrammarConstants["regex"] = "regex"
+ GrammarConstants["reservedWords"] = "reservedWords"
+ GrammarConstants["enumFromCellTypes"] = "enumFromCellTypes"
+ GrammarConstants["enum"] = "enum"
+ // baseNodeTypes
+ GrammarConstants["baseNodeType"] = "baseNodeType"
+ GrammarConstants["blobNode"] = "blobNode"
+ GrammarConstants["errorNode"] = "errorNode"
+ // parse time
+ GrammarConstants["extends"] = "extends"
+ GrammarConstants["abstract"] = "abstract"
+ GrammarConstants["root"] = "root"
+ GrammarConstants["match"] = "match"
+ GrammarConstants["pattern"] = "pattern"
+ GrammarConstants["inScope"] = "inScope"
+ GrammarConstants["cells"] = "cells"
+ GrammarConstants["catchAllCellType"] = "catchAllCellType"
+ GrammarConstants["catchAllNodeType"] = "catchAllNodeType"
+ GrammarConstants["constants"] = "constants"
+ GrammarConstants["required"] = "required"
+ GrammarConstants["single"] = "single"
+ GrammarConstants["tags"] = "tags"
+ // default catchAll nodeType
+ GrammarConstants["BlobNode"] = "BlobNode"
+ GrammarConstants["defaultRootNode"] = "defaultRootNode"
+ // code
+ GrammarConstants["javascript"] = "javascript"
+ // compile time
+ GrammarConstants["compilerNodeType"] = "compiler"
+ GrammarConstants["compilesTo"] = "compilesTo"
+ // develop time
+ GrammarConstants["description"] = "description"
+ GrammarConstants["example"] = "example"
+ GrammarConstants["frequency"] = "frequency"
+ GrammarConstants["highlightScope"] = "highlightScope"
+ })(GrammarConstants || (GrammarConstants = {}))
+ // todo: can we merge these methods into base TreeNode and ditch this class?
+ class GrammarBackedNode extends TreeNode {
+ getAutocompleteResults(partialWord, cellIndex) {
+ return cellIndex === 0 ? this._getAutocompleteResultsForFirstWord(partialWord) : this._getAutocompleteResultsForCell(partialWord, cellIndex)
+ }
+ getChildInstancesOfNodeTypeId(nodeTypeId) {
+ return this.filter(node => node.doesExtend(nodeTypeId))
+ }
+ doesExtend(nodeTypeId) {
+ return this.getDefinition()._doesExtend(nodeTypeId)
+ }
+ _getErrorNodeErrors() {
+ return [this.getFirstWord() ? new UnknownNodeTypeError(this) : new BlankLineError(this)]
+ }
+ generateSimulatedData(nodeCount = 1) {
+ const lines = []
+ const cells = this._getGrammarBackedCellArray()
+ while (nodeCount > 0) {
+ lines.push( => cell.generateSimulatedData()).join(" "))
+ nodeCount--
+ }
+ return lines.join("\n")
+ }
+ _getBlobNodeCatchAllNodeType() {
+ return BlobNode
+ }
+ _getAutocompleteResultsForFirstWord(partialWord) {
+ let defs = Object.values(this.getDefinition().getFirstWordMapWithDefinitions())
+ if (partialWord)
+ defs = defs.filter(def => {
+ const word = def._getFirstWordMatch()
+ return word ? word.includes(partialWord) : false
+ })
+ return => {
+ const id = def._getFirstWordMatch()
+ const description = def.getDescription()
+ return {
+ text: id,
+ displayText: id + (description ? " " + description : "")
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ _getAutocompleteResultsForCell(partialWord, cellIndex) {
+ // todo: root should be [] correct?
+ const cell = this._getGrammarBackedCellArray()[cellIndex]
+ return cell ? cell.getAutoCompleteWords(partialWord) : []
+ }
+ _getGrammarBackedCellArray() {
+ return []
+ }
+ getRunTimeEnumOptions(cell) {
+ return undefined
+ }
+ sortNodesByInScopeOrder() {
+ const nodeTypeOrder = this.getDefinition()._getMyInScopeNodeTypeIds()
+ if (!nodeTypeOrder.length) return this
+ const orderMap = {}
+ nodeTypeOrder.forEach((word, index) => {
+ orderMap[word] = index
+ })
+ this.sort(
+ TreeUtils.makeSortByFn(runtimeNode => {
+ return orderMap[runtimeNode.getDefinition().getNodeTypeIdFromDefinition()]
+ })
+ )
+ return this
+ }
+ _getRequiredNodeErrors(errors = []) {
+ Object.values(this.getDefinition().getFirstWordMapWithDefinitions()).forEach(def => {
+ if (def.isRequired()) {
+ if (!this.getChildren().some(node => node.getDefinition() === def))
+ errors.push(new MissingRequiredNodeTypeError(this, def.getNodeTypeIdFromDefinition()))
+ }
+ })
+ return errors
+ }
+ }
+ class TypedWord {
+ constructor(node, cellIndex, type) {
+ this._node = node
+ this._cellIndex = cellIndex
+ this._type = type
+ }
+ replace(newWord) {
+ this._node.setWord(this._cellIndex, newWord)
+ }
+ get word() {
+ return this._node.getWord(this._cellIndex)
+ }
+ get type() {
+ return this._type
+ }
+ toString() {
+ return this.word + ":" + this.type
+ }
+ }
+ class GrammarBackedRootNode extends GrammarBackedNode {
+ getRootProgramNode() {
+ return this
+ }
+ createParser() {
+ return new TreeNode.Parser(BlobNode)
+ }
+ getAllTypedWords() {
+ const words = []
+ this.getTopDownArray().forEach(node => {
+ node.getWordTypes().forEach((cell, index) => {
+ words.push(new TypedWord(node, index, cell.getCellTypeId()))
+ })
+ })
+ return words
+ }
+ findAllWordsWithCellType(cellTypeId) {
+ return this.getAllTypedWords().filter(typedWord => typedWord.type === cellTypeId)
+ }
+ findAllNodesWithNodeType(nodeTypeId) {
+ return this.getTopDownArray().filter(node => node.getDefinition().getNodeTypeIdFromDefinition() === nodeTypeId)
+ }
+ getDefinition() {
+ return this.getGrammarProgramRoot()
+ }
+ getInPlaceCellTypeTree() {
+ return this.getTopDownArray()
+ .map(child => child.getIndentation() + child.getLineCellTypes())
+ .join("\n")
+ }
+ getParseTable(maxColumnWidth = 40) {
+ const tree = new TreeNode(this.getInPlaceCellTypeTree())
+ return new TreeNode(
+ tree.getTopDownArray().map((node, lineNumber) => {
+ const sourceNode = this.nodeAtLine(lineNumber)
+ const errs = sourceNode.getErrors()
+ const errorCount = errs.length
+ const obj = {
+ lineNumber: lineNumber,
+ source: sourceNode.getIndentation() + sourceNode.getLine(),
+ nodeType:,
+ cellTypes: node.getContent(),
+ errorCount: errorCount
+ }
+ if (errorCount) obj.errorMessages = => err.getMessage()).join(";")
+ return obj
+ })
+ ).toFormattedTable(maxColumnWidth)
+ }
+ getErrors() {
+ return this._getRequiredNodeErrors(super.getErrors())
+ }
+ // Helper method for selecting potential nodeTypes needed to update grammar file.
+ getInvalidNodeTypes() {
+ return Array.from(
+ new Set(
+ this.getAllErrors()
+ .filter(err => err instanceof UnknownNodeTypeError)
+ .map(err => err.getNode().getFirstWord())
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ getAllSuggestions() {
+ return new TreeNode(
+ this.getAllWordBoundaryCoordinates().map(coordinate => {
+ const results = this.getAutocompleteResultsAt(coordinate.y, coordinate.x)
+ return {
+ line: coordinate.y,
+ char: coordinate.x,
+ word: results.word,
+ suggestions: => m.text).join(" ")
+ }
+ })
+ ).toTable()
+ }
+ getAutocompleteResultsAt(lineIndex, charIndex) {
+ const lineNode = this.nodeAtLine(lineIndex) || this
+ const nodeInScope = lineNode.getNodeInScopeAtCharIndex(charIndex)
+ // todo: add more tests
+ // todo: second param this.childrenToString()
+ // todo: change to getAutocomplete definitions
+ const wordIndex = lineNode.getWordIndexAtCharacterIndex(charIndex)
+ const wordProperties = lineNode.getWordProperties(wordIndex)
+ return {
+ startCharIndex: wordProperties.startCharIndex,
+ endCharIndex: wordProperties.endCharIndex,
+ word: wordProperties.word,
+ matches: nodeInScope.getAutocompleteResults(wordProperties.word, wordIndex)
+ }
+ }
+ getSortedByInheritance() {
+ const clone = new ExtendibleTreeNode(this.clone())
+ const familyTree = new GrammarProgram(clone.toString()).getNodeTypeFamilyTree()
+ const rank = {}
+ familyTree.getTopDownArray().forEach((node, index) => {
+ rank[node.getWord(0)] = index
+ })
+ const nodeAFirst = -1
+ const nodeBFirst = 1
+ clone.sort((nodeA, nodeB) => {
+ const nodeARank = rank[nodeA.getWord(0)]
+ const nodeBRank = rank[nodeB.getWord(0)]
+ return nodeARank < nodeBRank ? nodeAFirst : nodeBFirst
+ })
+ return clone
+ }
+ getNodeTypeUsage(filepath = "") {
+ // returns a report on what nodeTypes from its language the program uses
+ const usage = new TreeNode()
+ const grammarProgram = this.getGrammarProgramRoot()
+ grammarProgram.getValidConcreteAndAbstractNodeTypeDefinitions().forEach(def => {
+ usage.appendLine([def.getNodeTypeIdFromDefinition(), "line-id", "nodeType", def.getRequiredCellTypeIds().join(" ")].join(" "))
+ })
+ this.getTopDownArray().forEach((node, lineNumber) => {
+ const stats = usage.getNode(node.getNodeTypeId())
+ stats.appendLine([filepath + "-" + lineNumber, node.getWords().join(" ")].join(" "))
+ })
+ return usage
+ }
+ getInPlaceHighlightScopeTree() {
+ return this.getTopDownArray()
+ .map(child => child.getIndentation() + child.getLineHighlightScopes())
+ .join("\n")
+ }
+ getInPlaceCellTypeTreeWithNodeConstructorNames() {
+ return this.getTopDownArray()
+ .map(child => + this.getZI() + child.getIndentation() + child.getLineCellTypes())
+ .join("\n")
+ }
+ getTreeWithNodeTypes() {
+ return this.getTopDownArray()
+ .map(child => + this.getZI() + child.getIndentation() + child.getLine())
+ .join("\n")
+ }
+ getCellHighlightScopeAtPosition(lineIndex, wordIndex) {
+ this._initCellTypeCache()
+ const typeNode = this._cache_highlightScopeTree.getTopDownArray()[lineIndex - 1]
+ return typeNode ? typeNode.getWord(wordIndex - 1) : undefined
+ }
+ _initCellTypeCache() {
+ const treeMTime = this.getTreeMTime()
+ if (this._cache_programCellTypeStringMTime === treeMTime) return undefined
+ this._cache_typeTree = new TreeNode(this.getInPlaceCellTypeTree())
+ this._cache_highlightScopeTree = new TreeNode(this.getInPlaceHighlightScopeTree())
+ this._cache_programCellTypeStringMTime = treeMTime
+ }
+ }
+ class GrammarBackedNonRootNode extends GrammarBackedNode {
+ getRootProgramNode() {
+ return this.getParent().getRootProgramNode()
+ }
+ createParser() {
+ return new TreeNode.Parser(
+ this.getParent()
+ ._getParser()
+ ._getCatchAllNodeConstructor(this.getParent()),
+ {}
+ )
+ }
+ getNodeTypeId() {
+ return this.getDefinition().getNodeTypeIdFromDefinition()
+ }
+ getDefinition() {
+ return this.getRootProgramNode()
+ .getGrammarProgramRoot()
+ .getNodeTypeDefinitionByNodeTypeId(
+ }
+ getGrammarProgramRoot() {
+ return this.getRootProgramNode().getGrammarProgramRoot()
+ }
+ getWordTypes() {
+ return this._getGrammarBackedCellArray().filter(cell => cell.getWord() !== undefined)
+ }
+ _getGrammarBackedCellArray() {
+ const definition = this.getDefinition()
+ const grammarProgram = definition.getLanguageDefinitionProgram()
+ const requiredCellTypeIds = definition.getRequiredCellTypeIds()
+ const numberOfRequiredCells = requiredCellTypeIds.length
+ const catchAllCellTypeId = definition.getCatchAllCellTypeId()
+ const actualWordCountOrRequiredCellCount = Math.max(this.getWords().length, numberOfRequiredCells)
+ const cells = []
+ // A for loop instead of map because "numberOfCellsToFill" can be longer than words.length
+ for (let cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < actualWordCountOrRequiredCellCount; cellIndex++) {
+ const isCatchAll = cellIndex >= numberOfRequiredCells
+ let cellTypeId
+ if (isCatchAll) cellTypeId = catchAllCellTypeId
+ else cellTypeId = requiredCellTypeIds[cellIndex]
+ let cellTypeDefinition = grammarProgram.getCellTypeDefinitionById(cellTypeId)
+ let cellConstructor
+ if (cellTypeDefinition) cellConstructor = cellTypeDefinition.getCellConstructor()
+ else if (cellTypeId) cellConstructor = GrammarUnknownCellTypeCell
+ else {
+ cellConstructor = GrammarExtraWordCellTypeCell
+ cellTypeId = PreludeCellTypeIds.extraWordCell
+ cellTypeDefinition = grammarProgram.getCellTypeDefinitionById(cellTypeId)
+ }
+ cells[cellIndex] = new cellConstructor(this, cellIndex, cellTypeDefinition, cellTypeId, isCatchAll)
+ }
+ return cells
+ }
+ // todo: just make a fn that computes proper spacing and then is given a node to print
+ getLineCellTypes() {
+ return this._getGrammarBackedCellArray()
+ .map(slot => slot.getCellTypeId())
+ .join(" ")
+ }
+ getLineHighlightScopes(defaultScope = "source") {
+ return this._getGrammarBackedCellArray()
+ .map(slot => slot.getHighlightScope() || defaultScope)
+ .join(" ")
+ }
+ getErrors() {
+ const errors = this._getGrammarBackedCellArray()
+ .map(check => check.getErrorIfAny())
+ .filter(i => i)
+ const firstWord = this.getFirstWord()
+ if (this.getDefinition().has(GrammarConstants.single))
+ this.getParent()
+ .findNodes(firstWord)
+ .forEach((node, index) => {
+ if (index) errors.push(new NodeTypeUsedMultipleTimesError(node))
+ })
+ return this._getRequiredNodeErrors(errors)
+ }
+ _getCompiledIndentation() {
+ const indentCharacter = this.getDefinition()._getCompilerObject()[GrammarConstantsCompiler.indentCharacter]
+ const indent = this.getIndentation()
+ return indentCharacter !== undefined ? indentCharacter.repeat(indent.length) : indent
+ }
+ _getCompiledLine() {
+ const compiler = this.getDefinition()._getCompilerObject()
+ const catchAllCellDelimiter = compiler[GrammarConstantsCompiler.catchAllCellDelimiter]
+ const str = compiler[GrammarConstantsCompiler.stringTemplate]
+ return str !== undefined ? TreeUtils.formatStr(str, catchAllCellDelimiter, this.cells) : this.getLine()
+ }
+ compile() {
+ const def = this.getDefinition()
+ if (def.isTerminalNodeType()) return this._getCompiledIndentation() + this._getCompiledLine()
+ const compiler = def._getCompilerObject()
+ const openChildrenString = compiler[GrammarConstantsCompiler.openChildren] || ""
+ const closeChildrenString = compiler[GrammarConstantsCompiler.closeChildren] || ""
+ const childJoinCharacter = compiler[GrammarConstantsCompiler.joinChildrenWith] || "\n"
+ const compiledLine = this._getCompiledLine()
+ const indent = this._getCompiledIndentation()
+ const compiledChildren = => child.compile()).join(childJoinCharacter)
+ return `${indent}${compiledLine}${openChildrenString}
+ ${compiledChildren}
+ ${indent}${closeChildrenString}`
+ }
+ // todo: remove
+ get cells() {
+ const cells = {}
+ this._getGrammarBackedCellArray().forEach(cell => {
+ const cellTypeId = cell.getCellTypeId()
+ if (!cell.isCatchAll()) cells[cellTypeId] = cell.getParsed()
+ else {
+ if (!cells[cellTypeId]) cells[cellTypeId] = []
+ cells[cellTypeId].push(cell.getParsed())
+ }
+ })
+ return cells
+ }
+ }
+ class BlobNode extends GrammarBackedNonRootNode {
+ createParser() {
+ return new TreeNode.Parser(BlobNode, {})
+ }
+ getErrors() {
+ return []
+ }
+ }
+ class UnknownNodeTypeNode extends GrammarBackedNonRootNode {
+ createParser() {
+ return new TreeNode.Parser(UnknownNodeTypeNode, {})
+ }
+ getErrors() {
+ return [new UnknownNodeTypeError(this)]
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ A cell contains a word but also the type information for that word.
+ */
+ class AbstractGrammarBackedCell {
+ constructor(node, index, typeDef, cellTypeId, isCatchAll) {
+ this._typeDef = typeDef
+ this._node = node
+ this._isCatchAll = isCatchAll
+ this._index = index
+ this._cellTypeId = cellTypeId
+ this._word = node.getWord(index)
+ }
+ getCellTypeId() {
+ return this._cellTypeId
+ }
+ getNode() {
+ return this._node
+ }
+ getCellIndex() {
+ return this._index
+ }
+ isCatchAll() {
+ return this._isCatchAll
+ }
+ getHighlightScope() {
+ const definition = this._getCellTypeDefinition()
+ if (definition) return definition.getHighlightScope() // todo: why the undefined?
+ }
+ getAutoCompleteWords(partialWord = "") {
+ const cellDef = this._getCellTypeDefinition()
+ let words = cellDef ? cellDef._getAutocompleteWordOptions(this.getNode().getRootProgramNode()) : []
+ const runTimeOptions = this.getNode().getRunTimeEnumOptions(this)
+ if (runTimeOptions) words = runTimeOptions.concat(words)
+ if (partialWord) words = words.filter(word => word.includes(partialWord))
+ return => {
+ return {
+ text: word,
+ displayText: word
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ getWord() {
+ return this._word
+ }
+ _getCellTypeDefinition() {
+ return this._typeDef
+ }
+ _getFullLine() {
+ return this.getNode().getLine()
+ }
+ _getErrorContext() {
+ return this._getFullLine().split(" ")[0] // todo: XI
+ }
+ isValid() {
+ const runTimeOptions = this.getNode().getRunTimeEnumOptions(this)
+ if (runTimeOptions) return runTimeOptions.includes(this._word)
+ return this._getCellTypeDefinition().isValid(this._word, this.getNode().getRootProgramNode()) && this._isValid()
+ }
+ getErrorIfAny() {
+ if (this._word !== undefined && this.isValid()) return undefined
+ // todo: refactor invalidwordError. We want better error messages.
+ return this._word === undefined ? new MissingWordError(this) : new InvalidWordError(this)
+ }
+ }
+ AbstractGrammarBackedCell.parserFunctionName = ""
+ class GrammarIntCell extends AbstractGrammarBackedCell {
+ _isValid() {
+ const num = parseInt(this._word)
+ if (isNaN(num)) return false
+ return num.toString() === this._word
+ }
+ generateSimulatedData() {
+ return TreeUtils.getRandomString(2, "0123456789".split(""))
+ }
+ getRegexString() {
+ return "-?[0-9]+"
+ }
+ getParsed() {
+ return parseInt(this._word)
+ }
+ }
+ GrammarIntCell.defaultHighlightScope = "constant.numeric.integer"
+ GrammarIntCell.parserFunctionName = "parseInt"
+ class GrammarBitCell extends AbstractGrammarBackedCell {
+ _isValid() {
+ const str = this._word
+ return str === "0" || str === "1"
+ }
+ generateSimulatedData() {
+ return TreeUtils.getRandomString(1, "01".split(""))
+ }
+ getRegexString() {
+ return "[01]"
+ }
+ getParsed() {
+ return !!parseInt(this._word)
+ }
+ }
+ GrammarBitCell.defaultHighlightScope = "constant.numeric"
+ class GrammarFloatCell extends AbstractGrammarBackedCell {
+ _isValid() {
+ const num = parseFloat(this._word)
+ return !isNaN(num) && /^-?\d*(\.\d+)?$/.test(this._word)
+ }
+ generateSimulatedData() {
+ return TreeUtils.getRandomString(2, "0123456789".split("")) + "." + TreeUtils.getRandomString(2, "0123456789".split(""))
+ }
+ getRegexString() {
+ return "-?d*(.d+)?"
+ }
+ getParsed() {
+ return parseFloat(this._word)
+ }
+ }
+ GrammarFloatCell.defaultHighlightScope = "constant.numeric.float"
+ GrammarFloatCell.parserFunctionName = "parseFloat"
+ // ErrorCellType => grammar asks for a '' cell type here but the grammar does not specify a '' cell type. (todo: bring in didyoumean?)
+ class GrammarBoolCell extends AbstractGrammarBackedCell {
+ constructor() {
+ super(...arguments)
+ this._trues = new Set(["1", "true", "t", "yes"])
+ this._falses = new Set(["0", "false", "f", "no"])
+ }
+ _isValid() {
+ const str = this._word.toLowerCase()
+ return this._trues.has(str) || this._falses.has(str)
+ }
+ generateSimulatedData() {
+ return TreeUtils.getRandomString(1, ["1", "true", "t", "yes", "0", "false", "f", "no"])
+ }
+ _getOptions() {
+ return Array.from(this._trues).concat(Array.from(this._falses))
+ }
+ getRegexString() {
+ return "(?:" + this._getOptions().join("|") + ")"
+ }
+ getParsed() {
+ return this._trues.has(this._word.toLowerCase())
+ }
+ }
+ GrammarBoolCell.defaultHighlightScope = "constant.numeric"
+ class GrammarAnyCell extends AbstractGrammarBackedCell {
+ _isValid() {
+ return true
+ }
+ generateSimulatedData() {
+ return TreeUtils.getRandomString(10)
+ }
+ getRegexString() {
+ return "[^ ]+"
+ }
+ getParsed() {
+ return this._word
+ }
+ }
+ class GrammarKeywordCell extends GrammarAnyCell {}
+ GrammarKeywordCell.defaultHighlightScope = "keyword"
+ class GrammarExtraWordCellTypeCell extends AbstractGrammarBackedCell {
+ _isValid() {
+ return false
+ }
+ generateSimulatedData() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ getParsed() {
+ return this._word
+ }
+ getErrorIfAny() {
+ return new ExtraWordError(this)
+ }
+ }
+ class GrammarUnknownCellTypeCell extends AbstractGrammarBackedCell {
+ _isValid() {
+ return false
+ }
+ generateSimulatedData() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ getParsed() {
+ return this._word
+ }
+ getErrorIfAny() {
+ return new UnknownCellTypeError(this)
+ }
+ }
+ class AbstractTreeError {
+ constructor(node) {
+ this._node = node
+ }
+ getLineIndex() {
+ return this.getLineNumber() - 1
+ }
+ getLineNumber() {
+ return this.getNode()._getLineNumber() // todo: handle sourcemaps
+ }
+ isCursorOnWord(lineIndex, characterIndex) {
+ return lineIndex === this.getLineIndex() && this._doesCharacterIndexFallOnWord(characterIndex)
+ }
+ _doesCharacterIndexFallOnWord(characterIndex) {
+ return this.getCellIndex() === this.getNode().getWordIndexAtCharacterIndex(characterIndex)
+ }
+ // convenience method. may be removed.
+ isBlankLineError() {
+ return false
+ }
+ // convenience method. may be removed.
+ isMissingWordError() {
+ return false
+ }
+ getIndent() {
+ return this.getNode().getIndentation()
+ }
+ getCodeMirrorLineWidgetElement(onApplySuggestionCallBack = () => {}) {
+ const suggestion = this.getSuggestionMessage()
+ if (this.isMissingWordError()) return this._getCodeMirrorLineWidgetElementCellTypeHints()
+ if (suggestion) return this._getCodeMirrorLineWidgetElementWithSuggestion(onApplySuggestionCallBack, suggestion)
+ return this._getCodeMirrorLineWidgetElementWithoutSuggestion()
+ }
+ getNodeTypeId() {
+ return this.getNode()
+ .getDefinition()
+ .getNodeTypeIdFromDefinition()
+ }
+ _getCodeMirrorLineWidgetElementCellTypeHints() {
+ const el = document.createElement("div")
+ el.appendChild(
+ document.createTextNode(
+ this.getIndent() +
+ this.getNode()
+ .getDefinition()
+ .getLineHints()
+ )
+ )
+ el.className = "LintCellTypeHints"
+ return el
+ }
+ _getCodeMirrorLineWidgetElementWithoutSuggestion() {
+ const el = document.createElement("div")
+ el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.getIndent() + this.getMessage()))
+ el.className = "LintError"
+ return el
+ }
+ _getCodeMirrorLineWidgetElementWithSuggestion(onApplySuggestionCallBack, suggestion) {
+ const el = document.createElement("div")
+ el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.getIndent() + `${this.getErrorTypeName()}. Suggestion: ${suggestion}`))
+ el.className = "LintErrorWithSuggestion"
+ el.onclick = () => {
+ this.applySuggestion()
+ onApplySuggestionCallBack()
+ }
+ return el
+ }
+ getLine() {
+ return this.getNode().getLine()
+ }
+ getExtension() {
+ return this.getNode()
+ .getGrammarProgramRoot()
+ .getExtensionName()
+ }
+ getNode() {
+ return this._node
+ }
+ getErrorTypeName() {
+ return"Error", "")
+ }
+ getCellIndex() {
+ return 0
+ }
+ toObject() {
+ return {
+ type: this.getErrorTypeName(),
+ line: this.getLineNumber(),
+ cell: this.getCellIndex(),
+ suggestion: this.getSuggestionMessage(),
+ path: this.getNode().getFirstWordPath(),
+ message: this.getMessage()
+ }
+ }
+ hasSuggestion() {
+ return this.getSuggestionMessage() !== ""
+ }
+ getSuggestionMessage() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ toString() {
+ return this.getMessage()
+ }
+ applySuggestion() {}
+ getMessage() {
+ return `${this.getErrorTypeName()} at line ${this.getLineNumber()} cell ${this.getCellIndex()}.`
+ }
+ }
+ class AbstractCellError extends AbstractTreeError {
+ constructor(cell) {
+ super(cell.getNode())
+ this._cell = cell
+ }
+ getCell() {
+ return this._cell
+ }
+ getCellIndex() {
+ return this._cell.getCellIndex()
+ }
+ _getWordSuggestion() {
+ return TreeUtils.didYouMean(
+ this.getCell().getWord(),
+ this.getCell()
+ .getAutoCompleteWords()
+ .map(option => option.text)
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ class UnknownNodeTypeError extends AbstractTreeError {
+ getMessage() {
+ const node = this.getNode()
+ const parentNode = node.getParent()
+ const options = parentNode._getParser().getFirstWordOptions()
+ return super.getMessage() + ` Invalid nodeType "${node.getFirstWord()}". Valid nodeTypes are: ${TreeUtils._listToEnglishText(options, 7)}.`
+ }
+ _getWordSuggestion() {
+ const node = this.getNode()
+ const parentNode = node.getParent()
+ return TreeUtils.didYouMean(node.getFirstWord(), parentNode.getAutocompleteResults("", 0).map(option => option.text))
+ }
+ getSuggestionMessage() {
+ const suggestion = this._getWordSuggestion()
+ const node = this.getNode()
+ if (suggestion) return `Change "${node.getFirstWord()}" to "${suggestion}"`
+ return ""
+ }
+ applySuggestion() {
+ const suggestion = this._getWordSuggestion()
+ if (suggestion) this.getNode().setWord(this.getCellIndex(), suggestion)
+ return this
+ }
+ }
+ class BlankLineError extends UnknownNodeTypeError {
+ getMessage() {
+ return super.getMessage() + ` Line: "${this.getNode().getLine()}". Blank lines are errors.`
+ }
+ // convenience method
+ isBlankLineError() {
+ return true
+ }
+ getSuggestionMessage() {
+ return `Delete line ${this.getLineNumber()}`
+ }
+ applySuggestion() {
+ this.getNode().destroy()
+ return this
+ }
+ }
+ class MissingRequiredNodeTypeError extends AbstractTreeError {
+ constructor(node, missingNodeTypeId) {
+ super(node)
+ this._missingNodeTypeId = missingNodeTypeId
+ }
+ getMessage() {
+ return super.getMessage() + ` A "${this._missingNodeTypeId}" is required.`
+ }
+ }
+ class NodeTypeUsedMultipleTimesError extends AbstractTreeError {
+ getMessage() {
+ return super.getMessage() + ` Multiple "${this.getNode().getFirstWord()}" found.`
+ }
+ getSuggestionMessage() {
+ return `Delete line ${this.getLineNumber()}`
+ }
+ applySuggestion() {
+ return this.getNode().destroy()
+ }
+ }
+ class UnknownCellTypeError extends AbstractCellError {
+ getMessage() {
+ return super.getMessage() + ` No cellType "${this.getCell().getCellTypeId()}" found. Language grammar for "${this.getExtension()}" may need to be fixed.`
+ }
+ }
+ class InvalidWordError extends AbstractCellError {
+ getMessage() {
+ return super.getMessage() + ` "${this.getCell().getWord()}" does not fit in cellType "${this.getCell().getCellTypeId()}".`
+ }
+ getSuggestionMessage() {
+ const suggestion = this._getWordSuggestion()
+ if (suggestion) return `Change "${this.getCell().getWord()}" to "${suggestion}"`
+ return ""
+ }
+ applySuggestion() {
+ const suggestion = this._getWordSuggestion()
+ if (suggestion) this.getNode().setWord(this.getCellIndex(), suggestion)
+ return this
+ }
+ }
+ class ExtraWordError extends AbstractCellError {
+ getMessage() {
+ return super.getMessage() + ` Extra word "${this.getCell().getWord()}" in ${this.getNodeTypeId()}.`
+ }
+ getSuggestionMessage() {
+ return `Delete word "${this.getCell().getWord()}" at cell ${this.getCellIndex()}`
+ }
+ applySuggestion() {
+ return this.getNode().deleteWordAt(this.getCellIndex())
+ }
+ }
+ class MissingWordError extends AbstractCellError {
+ // todo: autocomplete suggestion
+ getMessage() {
+ return super.getMessage() + ` Missing word for cell "${this.getCell().getCellTypeId()}".`
+ }
+ isMissingWordError() {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ // todo: add standard types, enum types, from disk types
+ class AbstractGrammarWordTestNode extends TreeNode {}
+ class GrammarRegexTestNode extends AbstractGrammarWordTestNode {
+ isValid(str) {
+ if (!this._regex) this._regex = new RegExp("^" + this.getContent() + "$")
+ return !!str.match(this._regex)
+ }
+ }
+ class GrammarReservedWordsTestNode extends AbstractGrammarWordTestNode {
+ isValid(str) {
+ if (!this._set) this._set = new Set(this.getContent().split(" "))
+ return !this._set.has(str)
+ }
+ }
+ // todo: remove in favor of custom word type constructors
+ class EnumFromCellTypesTestNode extends AbstractGrammarWordTestNode {
+ _getEnumFromCellTypes(programRootNode) {
+ const cellTypeIds = this.getWordsFrom(1)
+ const enumGroup = cellTypeIds.join(" ")
+ // note: hack where we store it on the program. otherwise has global effects.
+ if (!programRootNode._enumMaps) programRootNode._enumMaps = {}
+ if (programRootNode._enumMaps[enumGroup]) return programRootNode._enumMaps[enumGroup]
+ const wordIndex = 1
+ const map = {}
+ const cellTypeMap = {}
+ cellTypeIds.forEach(typeId => (cellTypeMap[typeId] = true))
+ programRootNode
+ .getAllTypedWords()
+ .filter(typedWord => cellTypeMap[typedWord.type])
+ .forEach(typedWord => {
+ map[typedWord.word] = true
+ })
+ programRootNode._enumMaps[enumGroup] = map
+ return map
+ }
+ // todo: remove
+ isValid(str, programRootNode) {
+ return this._getEnumFromCellTypes(programRootNode)[str] === true
+ }
+ }
+ class GrammarEnumTestNode extends AbstractGrammarWordTestNode {
+ isValid(str) {
+ // enum c c++ java
+ return !!this.getOptions()[str]
+ }
+ getOptions() {
+ if (!this._map) this._map = TreeUtils.arrayToMap(this.getWordsFrom(1))
+ return this._map
+ }
+ }
+ class cellTypeDefinitionNode extends AbstractExtendibleTreeNode {
+ createParser() {
+ const types = {}
+ types[GrammarConstants.regex] = GrammarRegexTestNode
+ types[GrammarConstants.reservedWords] = GrammarReservedWordsTestNode
+ types[GrammarConstants.enumFromCellTypes] = EnumFromCellTypesTestNode
+ types[GrammarConstants.enum] = GrammarEnumTestNode
+ types[GrammarConstants.highlightScope] = TreeNode
+ types[GrammarConstants.todoComment] = TreeNode
+ types[GrammarConstants.description] = TreeNode
+ types[GrammarConstants.extends] = TreeNode
+ return new TreeNode.Parser(undefined, types)
+ }
+ _getId() {
+ return this.getWord(0)
+ }
+ _getIdToNodeMap() {
+ return this._getRootProgramNode().getCellTypeDefinitions()
+ }
+ getGetter(wordIndex) {
+ const wordToNativeJavascriptTypeParser = this.getCellConstructor().parserFunctionName
+ return `get ${this.getCellTypeId()}() {
+ return ${wordToNativeJavascriptTypeParser ? wordToNativeJavascriptTypeParser + `(this.getWord(${wordIndex}))` : `this.getWord(${wordIndex})`}
+ }`
+ }
+ getCatchAllGetter(wordIndex) {
+ const wordToNativeJavascriptTypeParser = this.getCellConstructor().parserFunctionName
+ return `get ${this.getCellTypeId()}() {
+ return ${
+ wordToNativeJavascriptTypeParser
+ ? `this.getWordsFrom(${wordIndex}).map(val => ${wordToNativeJavascriptTypeParser}(val))`
+ : `this.getWordsFrom(${wordIndex})`
+ }
+ }`
+ }
+ // `this.getWordsFrom(${requireds.length + 1})`
+ // todo: cleanup typings. todo: remove this hidden logic. have a "baseType" property?
+ getCellConstructor() {
+ return this._getPreludeKind() || GrammarAnyCell
+ }
+ _getPreludeKind() {
+ const kinds = {}
+ kinds[PreludeCellTypeIds.anyCell] = GrammarAnyCell
+ kinds[PreludeCellTypeIds.keywordCell] = GrammarKeywordCell
+ kinds[PreludeCellTypeIds.floatCell] = GrammarFloatCell
+ kinds[PreludeCellTypeIds.numberCell] = GrammarFloatCell
+ kinds[PreludeCellTypeIds.bitCell] = GrammarBitCell
+ kinds[PreludeCellTypeIds.boolCell] = GrammarBoolCell
+ kinds[PreludeCellTypeIds.intCell] = GrammarIntCell
+ return kinds[this.getWord(0)] || kinds[this._getExtendedCellTypeId()]
+ }
+ _getExtendedCellTypeId() {
+ return this.get(GrammarConstants.extends)
+ }
+ getHighlightScope() {
+ const hs = this._getFromExtended(GrammarConstants.highlightScope)
+ if (hs) return hs
+ const preludeKind = this._getPreludeKind()
+ if (preludeKind) return preludeKind.defaultHighlightScope
+ }
+ _getEnumOptions() {
+ const enumNode = this._getNodeFromExtended(GrammarConstants.enum)
+ if (!enumNode) return undefined
+ // we sort by longest first to capture longest match first. todo: add test
+ const options = Object.keys(enumNode.getNode(GrammarConstants.enum).getOptions())
+ options.sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length)
+ return options
+ }
+ _getEnumFromCellTypeOptions(program) {
+ const node = this._getNodeFromExtended(GrammarConstants.enumFromCellTypes)
+ return node ? Object.keys(node.getNode(GrammarConstants.enumFromCellTypes)._getEnumFromCellTypes(program)) : undefined
+ }
+ _getRootProgramNode() {
+ return this.getParent()
+ }
+ _getAutocompleteWordOptions(program) {
+ return this._getEnumOptions() || this._getEnumFromCellTypeOptions(program) || []
+ }
+ getRegexString() {
+ // todo: enum
+ const enumOptions = this._getEnumOptions()
+ return this._getFromExtended(GrammarConstants.regex) || (enumOptions ? "(?:" + enumOptions.join("|") + ")" : "[^ ]*")
+ }
+ isValid(str, programRootNode) {
+ return this._getChildrenByNodeConstructorInExtended(AbstractGrammarWordTestNode).every(node => node.isValid(str, programRootNode))
+ }
+ getCellTypeId() {
+ return this.getWord(0)
+ }
+ }
+ class GrammarExampleNode extends TreeNode {}
+ class GrammarCompilerNode extends TreeNode {
+ createParser() {
+ const types = [
+ GrammarConstantsCompiler.stringTemplate,
+ GrammarConstantsCompiler.indentCharacter,
+ GrammarConstantsCompiler.catchAllCellDelimiter,
+ GrammarConstantsCompiler.joinChildrenWith,
+ GrammarConstantsCompiler.openChildren,
+ GrammarConstantsCompiler.closeChildren
+ ]
+ const map = {}
+ types.forEach(type => {
+ map[type] = TreeNode
+ })
+ return new TreeNode.Parser(undefined, map)
+ }
+ }
+ class GrammarNodeTypeConstant extends TreeNode {
+ getGetter() {
+ return `get ${this.getIdentifier()}() { return ${this.getConstantValueAsJsText()} }`
+ }
+ getIdentifier() {
+ return this.getWord(1)
+ }
+ getConstantValueAsJsText() {
+ const words = this.getWordsFrom(2)
+ return words.length > 1 ? `[${words.join(",")}]` : words[0]
+ }
+ getConstantValue() {
+ return JSON.parse(this.getConstantValueAsJsText())
+ }
+ }
+ class GrammarNodeTypeConstantInt extends GrammarNodeTypeConstant {}
+ class GrammarNodeTypeConstantString extends GrammarNodeTypeConstant {
+ getConstantValueAsJsText() {
+ return "`" + TreeUtils.escapeBackTicks(this.getConstantValue()) + "`"
+ }
+ getConstantValue() {
+ return this.length ? this.childrenToString() : this.getWordsFrom(2).join(" ")
+ }
+ }
+ class GrammarNodeTypeConstantFloat extends GrammarNodeTypeConstant {}
+ class GrammarNodeTypeConstantBoolean extends GrammarNodeTypeConstant {}
+ class AbstractGrammarDefinitionNode extends AbstractExtendibleTreeNode {
+ createParser() {
+ // todo: some of these should just be on nonRootNodes
+ const types = [
+ GrammarConstants.frequency,
+ GrammarConstants.inScope,
+ GrammarConstants.cells,
+ GrammarConstants.extends,
+ GrammarConstants.description,
+ GrammarConstants.catchAllNodeType,
+ GrammarConstants.catchAllCellType,
+ GrammarConstants.extensions,
+ GrammarConstants.version,
+ GrammarConstants.tags,
+ GrammarConstants.match,
+ GrammarConstants.pattern,
+ GrammarConstants.baseNodeType,
+ GrammarConstants.required,
+ GrammarConstants.root,
+ GrammarConstants.compilesTo,
+ GrammarConstants.abstract,
+ GrammarConstants.javascript,
+ GrammarConstants.single,
+ GrammarConstants.todoComment
+ ]
+ const map = {}
+ types.forEach(type => {
+ map[type] = TreeNode
+ })
+ map[GrammarConstantsConstantTypes.boolean] = GrammarNodeTypeConstantBoolean
+ map[] = GrammarNodeTypeConstantInt
+ map[GrammarConstantsConstantTypes.string] = GrammarNodeTypeConstantString
+ map[GrammarConstantsConstantTypes.float] = GrammarNodeTypeConstantFloat
+ map[GrammarConstants.compilerNodeType] = GrammarCompilerNode
+ map[GrammarConstants.example] = GrammarExampleNode
+ return new TreeNode.Parser(undefined, map)
+ }
+ _getId() {
+ return this.getWord(0)
+ }
+ getConstantsObject() {
+ const obj = this._getUniqueConstantNodes()
+ Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
+ obj[key] = obj[key].getConstantValue()
+ })
+ return obj
+ }
+ _getUniqueConstantNodes(extended = true) {
+ const obj = {}
+ const items = extended ? this._getChildrenByNodeConstructorInExtended(GrammarNodeTypeConstant) : this.getChildrenByNodeConstructor(GrammarNodeTypeConstant)
+ items.reverse() // Last definition wins.
+ items.forEach(node => {
+ obj[node.getIdentifier()] = node
+ })
+ return obj
+ }
+ getExamples() {
+ return this._getChildrenByNodeConstructorInExtended(GrammarExampleNode)
+ }
+ getNodeTypeIdFromDefinition() {
+ return this.getWord(0)
+ }
+ // todo: remove? just reused nodeTypeId
+ _getGeneratedClassName() {
+ return this.getNodeTypeIdFromDefinition()
+ }
+ _hasValidNodeTypeId() {
+ return !!this._getGeneratedClassName()
+ }
+ _isAbstract() {
+ return this.has(GrammarConstants.abstract)
+ }
+ _getConstructorDefinedInGrammar() {
+ if (!this._cache_definedNodeConstructor)
+ this._cache_definedNodeConstructor = this.getLanguageDefinitionProgram()._getCompiledLoadedNodeTypes()[this.getNodeTypeIdFromDefinition()]
+ return this._cache_definedNodeConstructor
+ }
+ _getFirstWordMatch() {
+ if (this._getRegexMatch())
+ // todo: enforce firstWordMatch and regexMatch as being XOR
+ return undefined
+ return this.get(GrammarConstants.match) || this._getNodeTypeIdWithoutNodeTypeSuffix()
+ }
+ _getNodeTypeIdWithoutNodeTypeSuffix() {
+ return this.getNodeTypeIdFromDefinition().replace(GrammarProgram.nodeTypeSuffixRegex, "")
+ }
+ _getRegexMatch() {
+ return this.get(GrammarConstants.pattern)
+ }
+ getLanguageDefinitionProgram() {
+ return this.getParent()
+ }
+ _getCustomJavascriptMethods() {
+ const hasJsCode = this.has(GrammarConstants.javascript)
+ return hasJsCode ? this.getNode(GrammarConstants.javascript).childrenToString() : ""
+ }
+ getFirstWordMapWithDefinitions() {
+ if (!this._cache_firstWordToNodeDefMap) this._cache_firstWordToNodeDefMap = this._createParserInfo(this._getInScopeNodeTypeIds()).firstWordMap
+ return this._cache_firstWordToNodeDefMap
+ }
+ // todo: remove
+ getRunTimeFirstWordsInScope() {
+ return this._getParser().getFirstWordOptions()
+ }
+ getRequiredCellTypeIds() {
+ const parameters = this._getFromExtended(GrammarConstants.cells)
+ return parameters ? parameters.split(" ") : []
+ }
+ // todo: what happens when you have a cell getter and constant with same name?
+ _getCellGettersAndNodeTypeConstants() {
+ // todo: add cellType parsings
+ const grammarProgram = this.getLanguageDefinitionProgram()
+ const requiredCells = this.get(GrammarConstants.cells)
+ const getters = (requiredCells ? requiredCells.split(" ") : []).map((cellTypeId, index) => {
+ const cellTypeDef = grammarProgram.getCellTypeDefinitionById(cellTypeId)
+ if (!cellTypeDef) throw new Error(`No cellType "${cellTypeId}" found`)
+ return cellTypeDef.getGetter(index)
+ })
+ const catchAllCellTypeId = this.get(GrammarConstants.catchAllCellType)
+ if (catchAllCellTypeId) getters.push(grammarProgram.getCellTypeDefinitionById(catchAllCellTypeId).getCatchAllGetter(getters.length))
+ // Constants
+ Object.values(this._getUniqueConstantNodes(false)).forEach(node => {
+ getters.push(node.getGetter())
+ })
+ return getters.join("\n")
+ }
+ getCatchAllCellTypeId() {
+ return this._getFromExtended(GrammarConstants.catchAllCellType)
+ }
+ _createParserInfo(nodeTypeIdsInScope) {
+ const result = {
+ firstWordMap: {},
+ regexTests: []
+ }
+ if (!nodeTypeIdsInScope.length) return result
+ const allProgramNodeTypeDefinitionsMap = this._getProgramNodeTypeDefinitionCache()
+ Object.keys(allProgramNodeTypeDefinitionsMap)
+ .filter(nodeTypeId => allProgramNodeTypeDefinitionsMap[nodeTypeId].isOrExtendsANodeTypeInScope(nodeTypeIdsInScope))
+ .filter(nodeTypeId => !allProgramNodeTypeDefinitionsMap[nodeTypeId]._isAbstract())
+ .forEach(nodeTypeId => {
+ const def = allProgramNodeTypeDefinitionsMap[nodeTypeId]
+ const regex = def._getRegexMatch()
+ const firstWord = def._getFirstWordMatch()
+ if (regex) result.regexTests.push({ regex: regex, nodeConstructor: def.getNodeTypeIdFromDefinition() })
+ else result.firstWordMap[firstWord] = def
+ })
+ return result
+ }
+ getTopNodeTypeIds() {
+ const arr = Object.values(this.getFirstWordMapWithDefinitions())
+ arr.sort(TreeUtils.makeSortByFn(definition => definition.getFrequency()))
+ arr.reverse()
+ return => definition.getNodeTypeIdFromDefinition())
+ }
+ _getMyInScopeNodeTypeIds() {
+ const nodeTypesNode = this.getNode(GrammarConstants.inScope)
+ return nodeTypesNode ? nodeTypesNode.getWordsFrom(1) : []
+ }
+ _getInScopeNodeTypeIds() {
+ // todo: allow multiple of these if we allow mixins?
+ const ids = this._getMyInScopeNodeTypeIds()
+ const parentDef = this._getExtendedParent()
+ return parentDef ? ids.concat(parentDef._getInScopeNodeTypeIds()) : ids
+ }
+ isRequired() {
+ return this._hasFromExtended(GrammarConstants.required)
+ }
+ getNodeTypeDefinitionByNodeTypeId(nodeTypeId) {
+ // todo: return catch all?
+ const def = this._getProgramNodeTypeDefinitionCache()[nodeTypeId]
+ if (def) return def
+ // todo: cleanup
+ this.getLanguageDefinitionProgram()._addDefaultCatchAllBlobNode()
+ return this._getProgramNodeTypeDefinitionCache()[nodeTypeId]
+ }
+ isDefined(nodeTypeId) {
+ return !!this._getProgramNodeTypeDefinitionCache()[nodeTypeId]
+ }
+ _getIdToNodeMap() {
+ return this._getProgramNodeTypeDefinitionCache()
+ }
+ _amIRoot() {
+ if (this._cache_isRoot === undefined) this._cache_isRoot = this._getLanguageRootNode() === this
+ return this._cache_isRoot
+ }
+ _getLanguageRootNode() {
+ return this.getParent()._getRootNodeTypeDefinitionNode()
+ }
+ _isErrorNodeType() {
+ return this.get(GrammarConstants.baseNodeType) === GrammarConstants.errorNode
+ }
+ _isBlobNodeType() {
+ // Do not check extended classes. Only do once.
+ return this.get(GrammarConstants.baseNodeType) === GrammarConstants.blobNode
+ }
+ _getErrorMethodToJavascript() {
+ if (this._isBlobNodeType()) return "getErrors() { return [] }" // Skips parsing child nodes for perf gains.
+ if (this._isErrorNodeType()) return "getErrors() { return this._getErrorNodeErrors() }"
+ return ""
+ }
+ _getParserToJavascript() {
+ if (this._isBlobNodeType())
+ // todo: do we need this?
+ return "createParser() { return new jtree.TreeNode.Parser(this._getBlobNodeCatchAllNodeType())}"
+ const parserInfo = this._createParserInfo(this._getMyInScopeNodeTypeIds())
+ const myFirstWordMap = parserInfo.firstWordMap
+ const regexRules = parserInfo.regexTests
+ // todo: use constants in first word maps?
+ // todo: cache the super extending?
+ const firstWords = Object.keys(myFirstWordMap)
+ const hasFirstWords = firstWords.length
+ const catchAllConstructor = this._getCatchAllNodeConstructorToJavascript()
+ if (!hasFirstWords && !catchAllConstructor && !regexRules.length) return ""
+ const firstWordsStr = hasFirstWords
+ ? `Object.assign(Object.assign({}, super.createParser()._getFirstWordMap()), {` +
+ => `"${firstWord}" : ${myFirstWordMap[firstWord].getNodeTypeIdFromDefinition()}`).join(",\n") +
+ "})"
+ : "undefined"
+ const regexStr = regexRules.length
+ ? `[${regexRules
+ .map(rule => {
+ return `{regex: /${rule.regex}/, nodeConstructor: ${rule.nodeConstructor}}`
+ })
+ .join(",")}]`
+ : "undefined"
+ const catchAllStr = catchAllConstructor ? catchAllConstructor : this._amIRoot() ? `this._getBlobNodeCatchAllNodeType()` : "undefined"
+ return `createParser() {
+ return new jtree.TreeNode.Parser(${catchAllStr}, ${firstWordsStr}, ${regexStr})
+ }`
+ }
+ _getCatchAllNodeConstructorToJavascript() {
+ if (this._isBlobNodeType()) return "this._getBlobNodeCatchAllNodeType()"
+ const nodeTypeId = this.get(GrammarConstants.catchAllNodeType)
+ if (!nodeTypeId) return ""
+ const nodeDef = this.getNodeTypeDefinitionByNodeTypeId(nodeTypeId)
+ if (!nodeDef) throw new Error(`No definition found for nodeType id "${nodeTypeId}"`)
+ return nodeDef._getGeneratedClassName()
+ }
+ _nodeDefToJavascriptClass() {
+ const components = [
+ this._getParserToJavascript(),
+ this._getErrorMethodToJavascript(),
+ this._getCellGettersAndNodeTypeConstants(),
+ this._getCustomJavascriptMethods()
+ ].filter(code => code)
+ const extendedDef = this._getExtendedParent()
+ const rootNode = this._getLanguageRootNode()
+ const amIRoot = this._amIRoot()
+ // todo: cleanup? If we have 2 roots, and the latter extends the first, the first should extent GBRootNode. Otherwise, the first should not extend RBRootNode.
+ const doesRootExtendMe = this.has(GrammarConstants.root) && rootNode._getAncestorSet().has(this._getGeneratedClassName())
+ const extendsClassName = extendedDef
+ ? extendedDef._getGeneratedClassName()
+ : amIRoot || doesRootExtendMe
+ ? "jtree.GrammarBackedRootNode"
+ : "jtree.GrammarBackedNonRootNode"
+ if (amIRoot) {
+ components.push(`getGrammarProgramRoot() {
+ if (!this._cachedGrammarProgramRoot)
+ this._cachedGrammarProgramRoot = new jtree.GrammarProgram(\`${TreeUtils.escapeBackTicks(
+ this.getParent()
+ .toString()
+ .replace(/\\/g, "\\\\")
+ )}\`)
+ return this._cachedGrammarProgramRoot
+ }`)
+ const nodeTypeMap = this.getLanguageDefinitionProgram()
+ .getValidConcreteAndAbstractNodeTypeDefinitions()
+ .map(def => {
+ const id = def.getNodeTypeIdFromDefinition()
+ return `"${id}": ${id}`
+ })
+ .join(",\n")
+ components.push(`static getNodeTypeMap() { return {${nodeTypeMap} }}`)
+ }
+ return `class ${this._getGeneratedClassName()} extends ${extendsClassName} {
+ ${components.join("\n")}
+ }`
+ }
+ _getCompilerObject() {
+ let obj = {}
+ const items = this._getChildrenByNodeConstructorInExtended(GrammarCompilerNode)
+ items.reverse() // Last definition wins.
+ items.forEach(node => {
+ obj = Object.assign(obj, node.toObject()) // todo: what about multiline strings?
+ })
+ return obj
+ }
+ // todo: improve layout (use bold?)
+ getLineHints() {
+ const catchAllCellTypeId = this.getCatchAllCellTypeId()
+ return `${this.getNodeTypeIdFromDefinition()}: ${this.getRequiredCellTypeIds().join(" ")}${catchAllCellTypeId ? ` ${catchAllCellTypeId}...` : ""}`
+ }
+ isOrExtendsANodeTypeInScope(firstWordsInScope) {
+ const chain = this._getNodeTypeInheritanceSet()
+ return firstWordsInScope.some(firstWord => chain.has(firstWord))
+ }
+ isTerminalNodeType() {
+ return !this._getFromExtended(GrammarConstants.inScope) && !this._getFromExtended(GrammarConstants.catchAllNodeType)
+ }
+ getMatchBlock() {
+ const defaultHighlightScope = "source"
+ const program = this.getLanguageDefinitionProgram()
+ const escapeRegExp = str => str.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&")
+ const regexMatch = this._getRegexMatch()
+ const firstWordMatch = this._getFirstWordMatch()
+ const match = regexMatch ? `'${regexMatch}'` : `'^ *${escapeRegExp(firstWordMatch)}(?: |$)'`
+ const requiredCellTypeIds = this.getRequiredCellTypeIds()
+ const catchAllCellTypeId = this.getCatchAllCellTypeId()
+ const firstCellTypeDef = program.getCellTypeDefinitionById(requiredCellTypeIds[0])
+ const firstWordHighlightScope = (firstCellTypeDef ? firstCellTypeDef.getHighlightScope() : defaultHighlightScope) + "." + this.getNodeTypeIdFromDefinition()
+ const topHalf = ` '${this.getNodeTypeIdFromDefinition()}':
+ - match: ${match}
+ scope: ${firstWordHighlightScope}`
+ if (catchAllCellTypeId) requiredCellTypeIds.push(catchAllCellTypeId)
+ if (!requiredCellTypeIds.length) return topHalf
+ const captures = requiredCellTypeIds
+ .map((cellTypeId, index) => {
+ const cellTypeDefinition = program.getCellTypeDefinitionById(cellTypeId) // todo: cleanup
+ if (!cellTypeDefinition) throw new Error(`No ${GrammarConstants.cellType} ${cellTypeId} found`) // todo: standardize error/capture error at grammar time
+ return ` ${index + 1}: ${(cellTypeDefinition.getHighlightScope() || defaultHighlightScope) + "." + cellTypeDefinition.getCellTypeId()}`
+ })
+ .join("\n")
+ const cellTypesToRegex = cellTypeIds => => `({{${cellTypeId}}})?`).join(" ?")
+ return `${topHalf}
+ push:
+ - match: ${cellTypesToRegex(requiredCellTypeIds)}
+ captures:
+ ${captures}
+ - match: $
+ pop: true`
+ }
+ _getNodeTypeInheritanceSet() {
+ if (!this._cache_nodeTypeInheritanceSet) this._cache_nodeTypeInheritanceSet = new Set(this.getAncestorNodeTypeIdsArray())
+ return this._cache_nodeTypeInheritanceSet
+ }
+ getAncestorNodeTypeIdsArray() {
+ if (!this._cache_ancestorNodeTypeIdsArray) {
+ this._cache_ancestorNodeTypeIdsArray = this._getAncestorsArray().map(def => def.getNodeTypeIdFromDefinition())
+ this._cache_ancestorNodeTypeIdsArray.reverse()
+ }
+ return this._cache_ancestorNodeTypeIdsArray
+ }
+ _getProgramNodeTypeDefinitionCache() {
+ return this.getLanguageDefinitionProgram()._getProgramNodeTypeDefinitionCache()
+ }
+ getDescription() {
+ return this._getFromExtended(GrammarConstants.description) || ""
+ }
+ getFrequency() {
+ const val = this._getFromExtended(GrammarConstants.frequency)
+ return val ? parseFloat(val) : 0
+ }
+ _getExtendedNodeTypeId() {
+ const ancestorIds = this.getAncestorNodeTypeIdsArray()
+ if (ancestorIds.length > 1) return ancestorIds[ancestorIds.length - 2]
+ }
+ }
+ // todo: remove?
+ class nodeTypeDefinitionNode extends AbstractGrammarDefinitionNode {}
+ // GrammarProgram is a constructor that takes a grammar file, and builds a new
+ // constructor for new language that takes files in that language to execute, compile, etc.
+ class GrammarProgram extends AbstractGrammarDefinitionNode {
+ createParser() {
+ const map = {}
+ map[GrammarConstants.toolingDirective] = TreeNode
+ map[GrammarConstants.todoComment] = TreeNode
+ return new TreeNode.Parser(UnknownNodeTypeNode, map, [
+ { regex: GrammarProgram.nodeTypeFullRegex, nodeConstructor: nodeTypeDefinitionNode },
+ { regex: GrammarProgram.cellTypeFullRegex, nodeConstructor: cellTypeDefinitionNode }
+ ])
+ }
+ _getCompiledLoadedNodeTypes() {
+ if (!this._cache_compiledLoadedNodeTypes) {
+ if (this.isNodeJs()) {
+ const code = this.toNodeJsJavascript(__dirname + "/../index.js")
+ try {
+ const rootNode = this._importNodeJsRootNodeTypeConstructor(code)
+ this._cache_compiledLoadedNodeTypes = rootNode.getNodeTypeMap()
+ if (!this._cache_compiledLoadedNodeTypes) throw new Error(`Failed to getNodeTypeMap`)
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.log(err)
+ console.log(`Error in code: `)
+ console.log(code)
+ }
+ } else
+ this._cache_compiledLoadedNodeTypes = this._importBrowserRootNodeTypeConstructor(this.toBrowserJavascript(), this.getGrammarName()).getNodeTypeMap()
+ }
+ return this._cache_compiledLoadedNodeTypes
+ }
+ _importNodeJsRootNodeTypeConstructor(code) {
+ const vm = require("vm")
+ // todo: cleanup up
+ try {
+ global.jtree = require(__dirname + "/../index.js")
+ global.require = require
+ global.module = {}
+ return vm.runInThisContext(code)
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.log(`Error in compiled grammar code for language "${this.getGrammarName()}":`)
+ console.log(
+ code
+ .split("\n")
+ .map((line, index) => index + 1 + " " + line)
+ .join("\n")
+ )
+ console.log(err)
+ throw err
+ }
+ }
+ _importBrowserRootNodeTypeConstructor(code, name) {
+ const script = document.createElement("script")
+ script.innerHTML = code
+ document.head.appendChild(script)
+ return window[name]
+ }
+ // todo: better formalize the source maps pattern somewhat used here by getAllErrors
+ // todo: move this to Grammar.grammar (or just get the bootstrapping done.)
+ getErrorsInGrammarExamples() {
+ const programConstructor = this.getRootConstructor()
+ const errors = []
+ this.getValidConcreteAndAbstractNodeTypeDefinitions().forEach(def =>
+ def.getExamples().forEach(example => {
+ const exampleProgram = new programConstructor(example.childrenToString())
+ exampleProgram.getAllErrors(example._getLineNumber() + 1).forEach(err => {
+ errors.push(err)
+ })
+ })
+ )
+ return errors
+ }
+ toReadMe() {
+ const languageName = this.getExtensionName()
+ const rootNodeDef = this._getRootNodeTypeDefinitionNode()
+ const cellTypes = this.getCellTypeDefinitions()
+ const nodeTypeFamilyTree = this.getNodeTypeFamilyTree()
+ const exampleNode = rootNodeDef.getExamples()[0]
+ return `title ${languageName} Readme
+ paragraph ${rootNodeDef.getDescription()}
+ subtitle Quick Example
+ code
+ ${exampleNode ? exampleNode.childrenToString(1) : ""}
+ subtitle Quick facts about ${languageName}
+ list
+ - ${languageName} has ${nodeTypeFamilyTree.getTopDownArray().length} node types.
+ - ${languageName} has ${Object.keys(cellTypes).length} cell types
+ - The source code for ${languageName} is ${this.getTopDownArray().length} lines long.
+ subtitle Installing
+ code
+ npm install .
+ subtitle Testing
+ code
+ node test.js
+ subtitle Node Types
+ code
+ ${nodeTypeFamilyTree.toString(1)}
+ subtitle Cell Types
+ code
+ ${new TreeNode(Object.keys(cellTypes).join("\n")).toString(1)}
+ subtitle Road Map
+ paragraph Here are the "todos" present in the source code for ${languageName}:
+ list
+ ${this.getTopDownArray()
+ .filter(node => node.getWord(0) === "todo")
+ .map(node => ` - ${node.getLine()}`)
+ .join("\n")}
+ paragraph This readme was auto-generated using the
+ link JTree library.`
+ }
+ toBundle() {
+ const files = {}
+ const rootNodeDef = this._getRootNodeTypeDefinitionNode()
+ const languageName = this.getExtensionName()
+ const example = rootNodeDef.getExamples()[0]
+ const sampleCode = example ? example.childrenToString() : ""
+ files[GrammarBundleFiles.package] = JSON.stringify(
+ {
+ name: languageName,
+ private: true,
+ dependencies: {
+ jtree: TreeNode.getVersion()
+ }
+ },
+ null,
+ 2
+ )
+ files[GrammarBundleFiles.readme] = this.toReadMe()
+ const testCode = `const program = new ${languageName}(sampleCode)
+ const errors = program.getAllErrors()
+ console.log("Sample program compiled with " + errors.length + " errors.")
+ if (errors.length)
+ console.log( => error.getMessage()))`
+ const nodePath = `${languageName}.node.js`
+ files[nodePath] = this.toNodeJsJavascript()
+ files[GrammarBundleFiles.indexJs] = `module.exports = require("./${nodePath}")`
+ const browserPath = `${languageName}.browser.js`
+ files[browserPath] = this.toBrowserJavascript()
+ files[GrammarBundleFiles.indexHtml] = `
+ const sampleCode = \`${sampleCode.toString()}\`
+ ${testCode}
+ `
+ const samplePath = "sample." + this.getExtensionName()
+ files[samplePath] = sampleCode.toString()
+ files[GrammarBundleFiles.testJs] = `const ${languageName} = require("./index.js")
+ /*keep-line*/ const sampleCode = require("fs").readFileSync("${samplePath}", "utf8")
+ ${testCode}`
+ return files
+ }
+ getTargetExtension() {
+ return this._getRootNodeTypeDefinitionNode().get(GrammarConstants.compilesTo)
+ }
+ getCellTypeDefinitions() {
+ if (!this._cache_cellTypes) this._cache_cellTypes = this._getCellTypeDefinitions()
+ return this._cache_cellTypes
+ }
+ getCellTypeDefinitionById(cellTypeId) {
+ // todo: return unknownCellTypeDefinition? or is that handled somewhere else?
+ return this.getCellTypeDefinitions()[cellTypeId]
+ }
+ getNodeTypeFamilyTree() {
+ const tree = new TreeNode()
+ Object.values(this.getValidConcreteAndAbstractNodeTypeDefinitions()).forEach(node => {
+ const path = node.getAncestorNodeTypeIdsArray().join(" ")
+ tree.touchNode(path)
+ })
+ return tree
+ }
+ _getCellTypeDefinitions() {
+ const types = {}
+ // todo: add built in word types?
+ this.getChildrenByNodeConstructor(cellTypeDefinitionNode).forEach(type => (types[type.getCellTypeId()] = type))
+ return types
+ }
+ getLanguageDefinitionProgram() {
+ return this
+ }
+ getValidConcreteAndAbstractNodeTypeDefinitions() {
+ return this.getChildrenByNodeConstructor(nodeTypeDefinitionNode).filter(node => node._hasValidNodeTypeId())
+ }
+ _getRootNodeTypeDefinitionNode() {
+ if (!this._cache_rootNodeTypeNode) {
+ this.forEach(def => {
+ if (def instanceof AbstractGrammarDefinitionNode && def.has(GrammarConstants.root) && def._hasValidNodeTypeId()) this._cache_rootNodeTypeNode = def
+ })
+ }
+ // By default, have a very permissive basic root node.
+ // todo: whats the best design pattern to use for this sort of thing?
+ if (!this._cache_rootNodeTypeNode) {
+ this._cache_rootNodeTypeNode = this.concat(`${GrammarConstants.defaultRootNode}
+ ${GrammarConstants.root}
+ ${GrammarConstants.catchAllNodeType} ${GrammarConstants.BlobNode}`)[0]
+ this._addDefaultCatchAllBlobNode()
+ }
+ return this._cache_rootNodeTypeNode
+ }
+ // todo: whats the best design pattern to use for this sort of thing?
+ _addDefaultCatchAllBlobNode() {
+ delete this._cache_nodeTypeDefinitions
+ this.concat(`${GrammarConstants.BlobNode}
+ ${GrammarConstants.baseNodeType} ${GrammarConstants.blobNode}`)
+ }
+ getExtensionName() {
+ return this.getGrammarName().replace(GrammarProgram.nodeTypeSuffixRegex, "")
+ }
+ getGrammarName() {
+ return this._getRootNodeTypeDefinitionNode().getNodeTypeIdFromDefinition()
+ }
+ _getMyInScopeNodeTypeIds() {
+ const nodeTypesNode = this._getRootNodeTypeDefinitionNode().getNode(GrammarConstants.inScope)
+ return nodeTypesNode ? nodeTypesNode.getWordsFrom(1) : []
+ }
+ _getInScopeNodeTypeIds() {
+ const nodeTypesNode = this._getRootNodeTypeDefinitionNode().getNode(GrammarConstants.inScope)
+ return nodeTypesNode ? nodeTypesNode.getWordsFrom(1) : []
+ }
+ _initProgramNodeTypeDefinitionCache() {
+ if (this._cache_nodeTypeDefinitions) return undefined
+ this._cache_nodeTypeDefinitions = {}
+ this.getChildrenByNodeConstructor(nodeTypeDefinitionNode).forEach(nodeTypeDefinitionNode => {
+ this._cache_nodeTypeDefinitions[nodeTypeDefinitionNode.getNodeTypeIdFromDefinition()] = nodeTypeDefinitionNode
+ })
+ }
+ _getProgramNodeTypeDefinitionCache() {
+ this._initProgramNodeTypeDefinitionCache()
+ return this._cache_nodeTypeDefinitions
+ }
+ _getRootConstructor() {
+ const def = this._getRootNodeTypeDefinitionNode()
+ return def._getConstructorDefinedInGrammar()
+ }
+ getRootConstructor() {
+ if (!this._cache_rootConstructorClass) this._cache_rootConstructorClass = this._getRootConstructor()
+ return this._cache_rootConstructorClass
+ }
+ _getFileExtensions() {
+ return this._getRootNodeTypeDefinitionNode().get(GrammarConstants.extensions)
+ ? this._getRootNodeTypeDefinitionNode()
+ .get(GrammarConstants.extensions)
+ .split(" ")
+ .join(",")
+ : this.getExtensionName()
+ }
+ toNodeJsJavascript(jtreePath = "jtree") {
+ return this._rootNodeDefToJavascriptClass(jtreePath, true).trim()
+ }
+ toBrowserJavascript() {
+ return this._rootNodeDefToJavascriptClass("", false).trim()
+ }
+ _getProperName() {
+ return TreeUtils.ucfirst(this.getExtensionName())
+ }
+ _rootNodeDefToJavascriptClass(jtreePath, forNodeJs = true) {
+ const defs = this.getValidConcreteAndAbstractNodeTypeDefinitions()
+ // todo: throw if there is no root node defined
+ const nodeTypeClasses = => def._nodeDefToJavascriptClass()).join("\n\n")
+ const rootName = this._getRootNodeTypeDefinitionNode()._getGeneratedClassName()
+ if (!rootName) throw new Error(`Root Node Type Has No Name`)
+ let exportScript = ""
+ if (forNodeJs) {
+ exportScript = `module.exports = ${rootName};
+ ${rootName}`
+ } else {
+ exportScript = `window.${rootName} = ${rootName}`
+ }
+ // todo: we can expose the previous "constants" export, if needed, via the grammar, which we preserve.
+ return `{
+ "use strict";
+ ${forNodeJs ? `const {jtree} = require("${jtreePath}")` : ""}
+ ${nodeTypeClasses}
+ ${exportScript}
+ }
+ `
+ }
+ toSublimeSyntaxFile() {
+ const cellTypeDefs = this.getCellTypeDefinitions()
+ const variables = Object.keys(cellTypeDefs)
+ .map(name => ` ${name}: '${cellTypeDefs[name].getRegexString()}'`)
+ .join("\n")
+ const defs = this.getValidConcreteAndAbstractNodeTypeDefinitions().filter(kw => !kw._isAbstract())
+ const nodeTypeContexts = => def.getMatchBlock()).join("\n\n")
+ const includes = => ` - include: '${nodeTypeDef.getNodeTypeIdFromDefinition()}'`).join("\n")
+ return `%YAML 1.2
+ ---
+ name: ${this.getExtensionName()}
+ file_extensions: [${this._getFileExtensions()}]
+ scope: source.${this.getExtensionName()}
+ variables:
+ ${variables}
+ contexts:
+ main:
+ ${includes}
+ ${nodeTypeContexts}`
+ }
+ }
+ GrammarProgram.makeNodeTypeId = str =>
+ TreeUtils._replaceNonAlphaNumericCharactersWithCharCodes(str).replace(GrammarProgram.nodeTypeSuffixRegex, "") + GrammarConstants.nodeTypeSuffix
+ GrammarProgram.makeCellTypeId = str =>
+ TreeUtils._replaceNonAlphaNumericCharactersWithCharCodes(str).replace(GrammarProgram.cellTypeSuffixRegex, "") + GrammarConstants.cellTypeSuffix
+ GrammarProgram.nodeTypeSuffixRegex = new RegExp(GrammarConstants.nodeTypeSuffix + "$")
+ GrammarProgram.nodeTypeFullRegex = new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+" + GrammarConstants.nodeTypeSuffix + "$")
+ GrammarProgram.cellTypeSuffixRegex = new RegExp(GrammarConstants.cellTypeSuffix + "$")
+ GrammarProgram.cellTypeFullRegex = new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+" + GrammarConstants.cellTypeSuffix + "$")
+ GrammarProgram._languages = {}
+ GrammarProgram._nodeTypes = {}
+ window.GrammarConstants = GrammarConstants
+ window.PreludeCellTypeIds = PreludeCellTypeIds
+ window.GrammarProgram = GrammarProgram
+ window.GrammarBackedRootNode = GrammarBackedRootNode
+ window.GrammarBackedNonRootNode = GrammarBackedNonRootNode
+ class Upgrader extends TreeNode {
+ upgradeManyInPlace(globPatterns, fromVersion, toVersion) {
+ this._upgradeMany(globPatterns, fromVersion, toVersion).forEach(file => file.tree.toDisk(file.path))
+ return this
+ }
+ upgradeManyPreview(globPatterns, fromVersion, toVersion) {
+ return this._upgradeMany(globPatterns, fromVersion, toVersion)
+ }
+ _upgradeMany(globPatterns, fromVersion, toVersion) {
+ const glob = this.require("glob")
+ const files = TreeUtils.flatten( => glob.sync(pattern)))
+ console.log(`${files.length} files to upgrade`)
+ return => {
+ console.log("Upgrading " + path)
+ return {
+ tree: this.upgrade(TreeNode.fromDisk(path), fromVersion, toVersion),
+ path: path
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ upgrade(code, fromVersion, toVersion) {
+ const updateFromMap = this.getUpgradeFromMap()
+ const semver = this.require("semver")
+ let fromMap
+ while ((fromMap = updateFromMap[fromVersion])) {
+ const toNextVersion = Object.keys(fromMap)[0] // todo: currently we just assume 1 step at a time
+ if (, toNextVersion)) break
+ const fn = Object.values(fromMap)[0]
+ code = fn(code)
+ fromVersion = toNextVersion
+ }
+ return code
+ }
+ }
+ window.Upgrader = Upgrader
+ class UnknownGrammarProgram extends TreeNode {
+ _inferRootNodeForAPrefixLanguage(grammarName) {
+ grammarName = GrammarProgram.makeNodeTypeId(grammarName)
+ const rootNode = new TreeNode(`${grammarName}
+ ${GrammarConstants.root}`)
+ // note: right now we assume 1 global cellTypeMap and nodeTypeMap per grammar. But we may have scopes in the future?
+ const rootNodeNames = this.getFirstWords()
+ .filter(word => word)
+ .map(word => GrammarProgram.makeNodeTypeId(word))
+ rootNode
+ .nodeAt(0)
+ .touchNode(GrammarConstants.inScope)
+ .setWordsFrom(1, Array.from(new Set(rootNodeNames)))
+ return rootNode
+ }
+ _renameIntegerKeywords(clone) {
+ // todo: why are we doing this?
+ for (let node of clone.getTopDownArrayIterator()) {
+ const firstWordIsAnInteger = !!node.getFirstWord().match(/^\d+$/)
+ const parentFirstWord = node.getParent().getFirstWord()
+ if (firstWordIsAnInteger && parentFirstWord) node.setFirstWord(GrammarProgram.makeNodeTypeId(parentFirstWord + "Child"))
+ }
+ }
+ _getKeywordMaps(clone) {
+ const keywordsToChildKeywords = {}
+ const keywordsToNodeInstances = {}
+ for (let node of clone.getTopDownArrayIterator()) {
+ const firstWord = node.getFirstWord()
+ if (!keywordsToChildKeywords[firstWord]) keywordsToChildKeywords[firstWord] = {}
+ if (!keywordsToNodeInstances[firstWord]) keywordsToNodeInstances[firstWord] = []
+ keywordsToNodeInstances[firstWord].push(node)
+ node.forEach(child => {
+ keywordsToChildKeywords[firstWord][child.getFirstWord()] = true
+ })
+ }
+ return { keywordsToChildKeywords: keywordsToChildKeywords, keywordsToNodeInstances: keywordsToNodeInstances }
+ }
+ _inferNodeTypeDef(firstWord, globalCellTypeMap, childFirstWords, instances) {
+ const xi = this.getXI()
+ const nodeTypeId = GrammarProgram.makeNodeTypeId(firstWord)
+ const nodeDefNode = new TreeNode(nodeTypeId).nodeAt(0)
+ const childNodeTypeIds = => GrammarProgram.makeNodeTypeId(word))
+ if (childNodeTypeIds.length) nodeDefNode.touchNode(GrammarConstants.inScope).setWordsFrom(1, childNodeTypeIds)
+ const cellsForAllInstances = instances
+ .map(line => line.getContent())
+ .filter(line => line)
+ .map(line => line.split(xi))
+ const instanceCellCounts = new Set( => cells.length))
+ const maxCellsOnLine = Math.max(...Array.from(instanceCellCounts))
+ const minCellsOnLine = Math.min(...Array.from(instanceCellCounts))
+ let catchAllCellType
+ let cellTypeIds = []
+ for (let cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < maxCellsOnLine; cellIndex++) {
+ const cellType = this._getBestCellType(firstWord, instances.length, maxCellsOnLine, => cells[cellIndex]))
+ if (!globalCellTypeMap.has(cellType.cellTypeId)) globalCellTypeMap.set(cellType.cellTypeId, cellType.cellTypeDefinition)
+ cellTypeIds.push(cellType.cellTypeId)
+ }
+ if (maxCellsOnLine > minCellsOnLine) {
+ //columns = columns.slice(0, min)
+ catchAllCellType = cellTypeIds.pop()
+ while (cellTypeIds[cellTypeIds.length - 1] === catchAllCellType) {
+ cellTypeIds.pop()
+ }
+ }
+ const needsMatchProperty = TreeUtils._replaceNonAlphaNumericCharactersWithCharCodes(firstWord) !== firstWord
+ if (needsMatchProperty) nodeDefNode.set(GrammarConstants.match, firstWord)
+ if (catchAllCellType) nodeDefNode.set(GrammarConstants.catchAllCellType, catchAllCellType)
+ const cellLine = cellTypeIds.slice()
+ cellLine.unshift(PreludeCellTypeIds.keywordCell)
+ if (cellLine.length > 0) nodeDefNode.set(GrammarConstants.cells, cellLine.join(xi))
+ //if (!catchAllCellType && cellTypeIds.length === 1) nodeDefNode.set(GrammarConstants.cells, cellTypeIds[0])
+ // Todo: add conditional frequencies
+ return nodeDefNode.getParent().toString()
+ }
+ // inferGrammarFileForAnSSVLanguage(grammarName: string): string {
+ // grammarName = GrammarProgram.makeNodeTypeId(grammarName)
+ // const rootNode = new TreeNode(`${grammarName}
+ // ${GrammarConstants.root}`)
+ // // note: right now we assume 1 global cellTypeMap and nodeTypeMap per grammar. But we may have scopes in the future?
+ // const rootNodeNames = this.getFirstWords().map(word => GrammarProgram.makeNodeTypeId(word))
+ // rootNode
+ // .nodeAt(0)
+ // .touchNode(GrammarConstants.inScope)
+ // .setWordsFrom(1, Array.from(new Set(rootNodeNames)))
+ // return rootNode
+ // }
+ inferGrammarFileForAKeywordLanguage(grammarName) {
+ const clone = this.clone()
+ this._renameIntegerKeywords(clone)
+ const { keywordsToChildKeywords, keywordsToNodeInstances } = this._getKeywordMaps(clone)
+ const globalCellTypeMap = new Map()
+ globalCellTypeMap.set(PreludeCellTypeIds.keywordCell, undefined)
+ const nodeTypeDefs = Object.keys(keywordsToChildKeywords)
+ .filter(word => word)
+ .map(firstWord =>
+ this._inferNodeTypeDef(firstWord, globalCellTypeMap, Object.keys(keywordsToChildKeywords[firstWord]), keywordsToNodeInstances[firstWord])
+ )
+ const cellTypeDefs = []
+ globalCellTypeMap.forEach((def, id) => cellTypeDefs.push(def ? def : id))
+ const yi = this.getYI()
+ return [this._inferRootNodeForAPrefixLanguage(grammarName).toString(), cellTypeDefs.join(yi), nodeTypeDefs.join(yi)].filter(def => def).join("\n")
+ }
+ _getBestCellType(firstWord, instanceCount, maxCellsOnLine, allValues) {
+ const asSet = new Set(allValues)
+ const xi = this.getXI()
+ const values = Array.from(asSet).filter(c => c)
+ const every = fn => {
+ for (let index = 0; index < values.length; index++) {
+ if (!fn(values[index])) return false
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ if (every(str => str === "0" || str === "1")) return { cellTypeId: PreludeCellTypeIds.bitCell }
+ if (
+ every(str => {
+ const num = parseInt(str)
+ if (isNaN(num)) return false
+ return num.toString() === str
+ })
+ ) {
+ return { cellTypeId: PreludeCellTypeIds.intCell }
+ }
+ if (every(str => str.match(/^-?\d*.?\d+$/))) return { cellTypeId: PreludeCellTypeIds.floatCell }
+ const bools = new Set(["1", "0", "true", "false", "t", "f", "yes", "no"])
+ if (every(str => bools.has(str.toLowerCase()))) return { cellTypeId: PreludeCellTypeIds.boolCell }
+ // todo: cleanup
+ const enumLimit = 30
+ if (instanceCount > 1 && maxCellsOnLine === 1 && allValues.length > asSet.size && asSet.size < enumLimit)
+ return {
+ cellTypeId: GrammarProgram.makeCellTypeId(firstWord),
+ cellTypeDefinition: `${GrammarProgram.makeCellTypeId(firstWord)}
+ enum ${values.join(xi)}`
+ }
+ return { cellTypeId: PreludeCellTypeIds.anyCell }
+ }
+ }
+ window.UnknownGrammarProgram = UnknownGrammarProgram
+ // Adapted from
+ var CmToken
+ ;(function(CmToken) {
+ CmToken["Atom"] = "atom"
+ CmToken["Attribute"] = "attribute"
+ CmToken["Bracket"] = "bracket"
+ CmToken["Builtin"] = "builtin"
+ CmToken["Comment"] = "comment"
+ CmToken["Def"] = "def"
+ CmToken["Error"] = "error"
+ CmToken["Header"] = "header"
+ CmToken["HR"] = "hr"
+ CmToken["Keyword"] = "keyword"
+ CmToken["Link"] = "link"
+ CmToken["Meta"] = "meta"
+ CmToken["Number"] = "number"
+ CmToken["Operator"] = "operator"
+ CmToken["Property"] = "property"
+ CmToken["Qualifier"] = "qualifier"
+ CmToken["Quote"] = "quote"
+ CmToken["String"] = "string"
+ CmToken["String2"] = "string-2"
+ CmToken["Tag"] = "tag"
+ CmToken["Type"] = "type"
+ CmToken["Variable"] = "variable"
+ CmToken["Variable2"] = "variable-2"
+ CmToken["Variable3"] = "variable-3"
+ })(CmToken || (CmToken = {}))
+ const tmToCm = {
+ comment: {
+ $: CmToken.Comment
+ },
+ constant: {
+ // TODO: Revision
+ $: CmToken.Def,
+ character: {
+ escape: {
+ $: CmToken.String2
+ }
+ },
+ language: {
+ $: CmToken.Atom
+ },
+ numeric: {
+ $: CmToken.Number
+ },
+ other: {
+ email: {
+ link: {
+ $: CmToken.Link
+ }
+ },
+ symbol: {
+ // TODO: Revision
+ $: CmToken.Def
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ entity: {
+ name: {
+ class: {
+ $: CmToken.Def
+ },
+ function: {
+ $: CmToken.Def
+ },
+ tag: {
+ $: CmToken.Tag
+ },
+ type: {
+ $: CmToken.Type,
+ class: {
+ $: CmToken.Variable
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ other: {
+ "attribute-name": {
+ $: CmToken.Attribute
+ },
+ "inherited-class": {
+ // TODO: Revision
+ $: CmToken.Def
+ }
+ },
+ support: {
+ function: {
+ // TODO: Revision
+ $: CmToken.Def
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ invalid: {
+ $: CmToken.Error,
+ illegal: { $: CmToken.Error },
+ deprecated: {
+ $: CmToken.Error
+ }
+ },
+ keyword: {
+ $: CmToken.Keyword,
+ operator: {
+ $: CmToken.Operator
+ },
+ other: {
+ "special-method": CmToken.Def
+ }
+ },
+ punctuation: {
+ $: CmToken.Operator,
+ definition: {
+ comment: {
+ $: CmToken.Comment
+ },
+ tag: {
+ $: CmToken.Bracket
+ }
+ // 'template-expression': {
+ // $: CodeMirrorToken.Operator,
+ // },
+ }
+ // terminator: {
+ // $: CodeMirrorToken.Operator,
+ // },
+ },
+ storage: {
+ $: CmToken.Keyword
+ },
+ string: {
+ $: CmToken.String,
+ regexp: {
+ $: CmToken.String2
+ }
+ },
+ support: {
+ class: {
+ $: CmToken.Def
+ },
+ constant: {
+ $: CmToken.Variable2
+ },
+ function: {
+ $: CmToken.Def
+ },
+ type: {
+ $: CmToken.Type
+ },
+ variable: {
+ $: CmToken.Variable2,
+ property: {
+ $: CmToken.Property
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ variable: {
+ $: CmToken.Def,
+ language: {
+ // TODO: Revision
+ $: CmToken.Variable3
+ },
+ other: {
+ object: {
+ $: CmToken.Variable,
+ property: {
+ $: CmToken.Property
+ }
+ },
+ property: {
+ $: CmToken.Property
+ }
+ },
+ parameter: {
+ $: CmToken.Def
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const textMateScopeToCodeMirrorStyle = (scopeSegments, styleTree = tmToCm) => {
+ const matchingBranch = styleTree[scopeSegments.shift()]
+ return matchingBranch ? textMateScopeToCodeMirrorStyle(scopeSegments, matchingBranch) || matchingBranch.$ || null : null
+ }
+ class TreeNotationCodeMirrorMode {
+ constructor(name, getProgramConstructorMethod, getProgramCodeMethod, codeMirrorLib = undefined) {
+ this._name = name
+ this._getProgramConstructorMethod = getProgramConstructorMethod
+ this._getProgramCodeMethod = getProgramCodeMethod || (instance => (instance ? instance.getValue() : this._originalValue))
+ this._codeMirrorLib = codeMirrorLib
+ }
+ _getParsedProgram() {
+ const source = this._getProgramCodeMethod(this._cmInstance) || ""
+ if (!this._cachedProgram || this._cachedSource !== source) {
+ this._cachedSource = source
+ this._cachedProgram = new (this._getProgramConstructorMethod())(source)
+ }
+ return this._cachedProgram
+ }
+ _getExcludedIntelliSenseTriggerKeys() {
+ return {
+ "8": "backspace",
+ "9": "tab",
+ "13": "enter",
+ "16": "shift",
+ "17": "ctrl",
+ "18": "alt",
+ "19": "pause",
+ "20": "capslock",
+ "27": "escape",
+ "33": "pageup",
+ "34": "pagedown",
+ "35": "end",
+ "36": "home",
+ "37": "left",
+ "38": "up",
+ "39": "right",
+ "40": "down",
+ "45": "insert",
+ "46": "delete",
+ "91": "left window key",
+ "92": "right window key",
+ "93": "select",
+ "112": "f1",
+ "113": "f2",
+ "114": "f3",
+ "115": "f4",
+ "116": "f5",
+ "117": "f6",
+ "118": "f7",
+ "119": "f8",
+ "120": "f9",
+ "121": "f10",
+ "122": "f11",
+ "123": "f12",
+ "144": "numlock",
+ "145": "scrolllock"
+ }
+ }
+ token(stream, state) {
+ return this._advanceStreamAndReturnTokenType(stream, state)
+ }
+ fromTextAreaWithAutocomplete(area, options) {
+ this._originalValue = area.value
+ const defaultOptions = {
+ lineNumbers: true,
+ mode: this._name,
+ tabSize: 1,
+ indentUnit: 1,
+ hintOptions: {
+ hint: (cmInstance, options) => this.codeMirrorAutocomplete(cmInstance, options)
+ }
+ }
+ Object.assign(defaultOptions, options)
+ this._cmInstance = this._getCodeMirrorLib().fromTextArea(area, defaultOptions)
+ this._enableAutoComplete(this._cmInstance)
+ return this._cmInstance
+ }
+ _enableAutoComplete(cmInstance) {
+ const excludedKeys = this._getExcludedIntelliSenseTriggerKeys()
+ const codeMirrorLib = this._getCodeMirrorLib()
+ cmInstance.on("keyup", (cm, event) => {
+ //
+ if (!cm.state.completionActive && !excludedKeys[event.keyCode.toString()])
+ // Todo: get typings for CM autocomplete
+ codeMirrorLib.commands.autocomplete(cm, null, { completeSingle: false })
+ })
+ }
+ _getCodeMirrorLib() {
+ return this._codeMirrorLib
+ }
+ async codeMirrorAutocomplete(cmInstance, options) {
+ const cursor = cmInstance.getDoc().getCursor()
+ const codeMirrorLib = this._getCodeMirrorLib()
+ const result = await this._getParsedProgram().getAutocompleteResultsAt(cursor.line,
+ // It seems to be better UX if there's only 1 result, and its the word the user entered, to close autocomplete
+ if (result.matches.length === 1 && result.matches[0].text === result.word) return null
+ return result.matches.length
+ ? {
+ list: result.matches,
+ from: codeMirrorLib.Pos(cursor.line, result.startCharIndex),
+ to: codeMirrorLib.Pos(cursor.line, result.endCharIndex)
+ }
+ : null
+ }
+ register() {
+ const codeMirrorLib = this._getCodeMirrorLib()
+ codeMirrorLib.defineMode(this._name, () => this)
+ codeMirrorLib.defineMIME("text/" + this._name, this._name)
+ return this
+ }
+ _advanceStreamAndReturnTokenType(stream, state) {
+ let nextCharacter =
+ const lineNumber = stream.lineOracle.line + 1 // state.lineIndex
+ while (typeof nextCharacter === "string") {
+ const peek = stream.peek()
+ if (nextCharacter === " ") {
+ if (peek === undefined || peek === "\n") {
+ stream.skipToEnd() // advance string to end
+ this._incrementLine(state)
+ }
+ return "bracket"
+ }
+ if (peek === " ") {
+ state.cellIndex++
+ return this._getCellStyle(lineNumber, state.cellIndex)
+ }
+ nextCharacter =
+ }
+ state.cellIndex++
+ const style = this._getCellStyle(lineNumber, state.cellIndex)
+ this._incrementLine(state)
+ return style
+ }
+ _getCellStyle(lineIndex, cellIndex) {
+ const program = this._getParsedProgram()
+ // todo: if the current word is an error, don't show red?
+ if (!program.getCellHighlightScopeAtPosition) console.log(program)
+ const highlightScope = program.getCellHighlightScopeAtPosition(lineIndex, cellIndex)
+ const style = highlightScope ? textMateScopeToCodeMirrorStyle(highlightScope.split(".")) : undefined
+ return style || "noHighlightScopeDefinedInGrammar"
+ }
+ // todo: remove.
+ startState() {
+ return {
+ cellIndex: 0
+ }
+ }
+ _incrementLine(state) {
+ state.cellIndex = 0
+ }
+ }
+ window.TreeNotationCodeMirrorMode = TreeNotationCodeMirrorMode
+ class jtree {}
+ jtree.GrammarBackedRootNode = GrammarBackedRootNode
+ jtree.GrammarBackedNonRootNode = GrammarBackedNonRootNode
+ jtree.Utils = TreeUtils
+ jtree.TreeNode = TreeNode
+ jtree.ExtendibleTreeNode = ExtendibleTreeNode
+ jtree.GrammarProgram = GrammarProgram
+ jtree.UnknownGrammarProgram = UnknownGrammarProgram
+ jtree.TreeNotationCodeMirrorMode = TreeNotationCodeMirrorMode
+ jtree.getVersion = () => TreeNode.getVersion()
+ window.jtree = jtree